Surveys and Survey Questions
With Surveys, you can collect information from site visitors and constituents, such as feedback on your fundraising efforts, Advocacy Alerts, events, news articles, and so on.
With the Surveys feature, you can:
Add a survey to the Survey List page, embed a survey in a PageBuilder page, or link to it from another page.
Add survey questions to an online form such as a registration form or ticket purchase form.
Edit survey responses on the Interactions tab of a constituent's record. This allows you to manage and review the responses and edit them if necessary. For example, you can change a T-shirt size or color at the request of a Constituent.
Group constituents based on their response to survey questions. For example, if you ask whether or not a constituent is interested in volunteering, those who say yes can be automatically added to a group.
Configure which administrators can review and modify responses and which questions certain constituents can view.