
Query Builder identifies and generates lists of contacts who meet certain criteria.

Use query results to create groups, phone lists, and mail merge lists, or for analysis. Groups created by query can be set to rebuild periodically so you always have a fresh set of contacts meeting your criteria.

Note: Blackbaud may optimize some queries for performance. This typicallys happen after a query is run and performance is observed by Luminate Online administrators to be excessively slow. If you launch the SQL viewer to examine such a query, you will see a notice in red letters that your query uses SQL from a specified file. When you edit such a query, you will see a message in red at the top of the Query Builder advising you of the optimization and asking you to contact Blackbaud Customer Support before editing the query. If you edit the query without contacting Support, any optimization will be lost.

To access Query, select Data Management > Query.

To query Action Alerts, see Querying on Action Alerts to Compile a List of Email Recipients.