To create a donation form in Donations Classic

  1. From the top of an Administrator page, click Fundraising > Donation Management.

  2. From the tabs along the top of the Online Giving page, click the Donations Classic tab.

  3. Click either:

    • Select a donation form type drop-down list and click the type of form

    • Create a new Fundraiser Donation Form.

    • Create a new Sustaining Donation Form.

  4. On the New Fundraiser Donation Form page, for:

    1. Donation Form Name (required), enter the label that display for this form on both the Donation Form List page that other administrators will see as well as the list of donation opportunities presented to your site visitors.

    2. Short Description (required), enter a short statement that will help your site visitors understand the purpose of this form when they see it in the list of donations opportunities.

    3. Long Description, optionally enter content for the Donation page that displays to site visitors who click a link from a site page or an email they receive). This description displays below the giving levels. You can include images, links, and other features available in the content editor available on this page.

    4. Donation Form Notes, optionally enter any notes that administrators may need to see if they modify or use this donation form.

    5. Donation Form Category, click the appropriate option that determines who will have access to the form and can contribute. (Note that you could make the donation form visible to a “General” population but then restrict certain levels of giving to a more limited audience.)

    6. Goal, enter the amount of money you hope to raise with this fundraiser.

      Note: You can monitor your progress toward this goal from the Donation Form Status report or the thermometer if you placed it on the main fundraising page.

    7. Maximum user-entered amount, optionally enter the most money that a donor can enter. (This is mainly for use with Political Donations where a specific maximum is imposed by the government.)

    8. Increase total contributions by, enter any donations you have already received for this fundraising campaign (most likely, through cash or checks delivered to your office). Note that this amount will reflect in the fundraising thermometer if you have placed one on a page as well as in any donation reports.

    9. Activate Donation Form on, leave today's date and time selected to make this form available immediately or set the date and time.

    10. Deactivate Donation Form on, leave the default date and time selected to make this form become unavailable at the last day of this month, or click the drop-down lists to set the date and time when this form will become unavailable.

    11. Payment Options, for:

      Important: If you make these options available, the corresponding information will be available certain Donation Classic reports. However, it is the responsibility of Site Administrators to contact companies for payments of any matching gifts and to notify the designated contacts about memorial and tribute gifts. The system takes no further action other than providing reports to assist you in follow-through actions. Some forms, such as the Political Campaigns do not display any of these options.

      1. Accept joint gifts, click the Yes option to provide a field in which a donor may record an additional name (this name does not create a new Contact Record)

      2. Allow anonymous gifts, click the Yes option to allow a donor to specify that they do not want their name in a recognition list if one is published

      3. Allow company name field for matching gifts, click the Yes option to add a field that enables donors whose companies have offered charitable matching to enter the company name (this information displays in certain Donation Classic reports but does not initiate contact with the company for collection of this money)

      4. Accept memorial and tribute gifts, click the Yes option to provide a field to collect the name of a person on whose behalf this donation is being made (this information displays in certain Donation Classic reports but does not initiate contact with the honoree or their representatives)

        Note: If this is a Memorial or Tribute donation form,the Yes option will already be selected. The Personal Message donation form does not allow memorial and tribute gifts.

      5. Gift Queuing Threshold (displays for Political Donation Forms only), click into the field and type the maximum contribution amount that must be reviewed before the transaction can be completed

      6. Merchant Account, select the appropriate option from the drop-down list and select the appropriate account to which money collected from this form will be deposited. Click the appropriate option to designate the account for collecting the donation payments made to this donation form.

        Warning: As of March 2025, all credit and debit card transactions must use Blackbaud Payment Service. Choose a Blackbaud Merchant Services account compatible with the latest checkout to offer the most payment options and end-to-end transaction management.

      7. Donation Form List Image, optionally click the Browse button to locate and Open an image on your local computer or shared network resource that you would like to include next to the Name of your fundraiser on the donation list that site visitors will see.

  5. Click Save.

    Note: The Levels, Tell-A-Friend, and Autoresponders tabs will now be available.