Note: If an organization gift is entered on a donation form that has membership configured, the organization contact will obtain membership. It is not possible for the organization to obtain the membership.
Create membership types for your giving levels so you can use a donation form as a membership form.
Either create new membership types manually or upload an entire membership program as a CSV file. The Administrative Name and the Public Name columns are required. The Administrative Name serves as the Key for the upload. If an existing Membership Type has the same Administrative Name as a newly uploaded Type, any fields with existing data will be updated and blank fields will not be filled.
If you are using the Membership template for your donation form, you will have a field label and hint text indicating that membership is associated with your giving levels. However, if you are not working with that template, there will be no mention of the membership benefits on the actual donation form unless you add them as a label or as a donor hint message.
The content editor contains relating to Membership Type for personalizing email messages and web pages.
By default, membership capability is not enabled on sites and you must contact Luminate Blackbaud Customer Support for assistance.
Once a constituent selects a membership type, details of that membership are recorded in the constituent record. You can view membership information on the Profile page of a constituent record for a specific constituent, including
Status is Current or Expired
Member Since date when the constituent became a member
Last Renewal date when the constituent renewed their membership
Membership Type selected by the constituent
Expiration date that determines when the constituent is no longer a member
The Interactions tab in the constituent record also contains membership interactions (like when they became a member and when they renewed their membership).
You can run queries based on membership types and groups.
You can track expiration dates and send renewal email to constituents whose membership is expiring.
To monitor membership activity, you can run the Donations by Membership Type report. You can also use the Membership Type filters available in most donation reports. For example, you can use the By Gift filter and include gifts with memberships.