Customize a donation autoresponder

Select stationery . Modify the sender name and email address to which replies can be sent, and add or modify the default HTML and Plain text content.

Changes you make to an autoresponder email in this donation form workflow applies only to these autoresponders and does not change the Default Version stored in the Autoresponder Center.

  1. From the Autoresponders list, click Edit from the Actions column of the autoresponder.

  2. To change the:

    • Sender name that displays in the "From" area in a recipient's inbox, enter information in the Sender’s Name field.

    • Email address to which replies are sent (for example, to use a generic term like eventadministrator@yourorg), enter information in the Sender’s Email Address field.

    • Subject line that displays in a recipient's inbox, enter information in the Subject Line field.

    • Stationery to display elements in the margins around the autoresponder content, select an option.

    • Email body content displayed in the:

      • HTML area, click Next and enter your content modifications in the content editor.

        Note: Use the editor tools to format text font and colors, create tables, insert images or links, add components, etc. Click Help for assistance with editor features. Save often to make sure you do not lose your changes.

      • Plain Text area, click Update Plain Text from the options along the left (or click Next) and make your changes.

        Note: If you changed the HTML, you should copy the changes into this area. However, clicking the Update Plain Text button overwrites everything in this editor and all changes you previously made will be overwritten. Carefully review content to check links, spacing, and the removal of images.

  3. On the Update Plain Text page, click Finish.

  4. Verify autoresponder customizations:

    1. From the Autoresponders list, click Preview from the Actions column of the autoresponder.

    2. Look over both versions and close the preview window.

    3. To make changes, go back to the appropriate page to make them and then return to the list and click Preview again.

      Note: To revert back to a default autoresponder stored in the Autoresponder Center, click Switch to Default Version from the Actions column. The changes you made to the Custom Version will not be lost.

  5. When finished, click Next to continue on to the Test Drive page.