Set up a recurring message delivery
Click Email > Email Campaigns.
Click the Campaigns tab. The Email Campaign List displays.
Click Manage in the Actions column for the appropriate campaign.
Click the Deliveries tab. The Delivery List displays.
Click Setup a Recurring Delivery in the Related Actions pane.
Click Setup in the Actions column for the appropriate message. The delivery editing pages display.
If you created variants and the list of variants appears, click Setup in the Actions column of the appropriate message (the Original Message or a Variant). The Setup page displays.
On the Setup page:
Select a date and time for the initial recurring delivery by clicking the date and time drop-down menus.
Select the delivery interval to use by clicking the appropriate button and then selecting the date on which to stop the recurring delivery using the month, day, and year menus.
Determine if you should send a copy of this message at the recurring interval to those target group constituents who received the last one, by selecting Send a Copy.
Note: If your message will be sent every time, select this option to override the default filter that prevents the system from sending more than one copy of the message to an email address (for example, if the message has dynamic content that changes daily).
Click Next. The Delivery Details page displays.
Review the delivery details and click Next. The Enable Recurring Delivery page displays.
Click Enable.