Rebuild at Delivery

To keep group membership as current as possible, you can rebuild groups that are based on queries or tasks before you send your email. You'll make this selection when you select the target.

Rebuilds do not always occur at the time of a scheduled email delivery. For groups scheduled to rebuild:

  • Groups will rebuild immediately when the email is delivered immediately

  • Groups will rebuild immediately when the email send is scheduled for the same day as creation

  • Groups might not rebuild at delivery time for a scheduled delivery if the delivery is scheduled before midnight on the day of the send. Instead, the group rebuild task and audience calculation task that calculate email totals might rebuild the group ahead of time to reduce the time it takes to send the actual email

  • Groups will not rebuild immediately if the group was already built within 24 hours of the scheduled delivery

Tip: Because rebuilding large groups uses site resources, all sites are assigned a minimum group rebuild time to maximize site performance. For most sites, this period of time is 24 hours, meaning that no individual group rebuilds more than once every 24 hours. Even if you choose to rebuild a group at delivery, it will not rebuild if it was already built within your site's minimum period of time.

Due to your site's minimum rebuild time, your targeted groups, and selected Group Rebuild options, the Rebuild at Delivery column may contain any or all of the following entries:

  • Yes shown beside any Group that can be rebuilt where the administrator has opted to rebuild the group and the group will not have been rebuilt within the minimum rebuild time before the scheduled delivery.

  • No, recently rebuilt shown beside any Group where the administrator has opted to rebuild the group, but where the minimum rebuild time will not have been met before the scheduled delivery time.

  • No shown beside any Group that is "not rebuildable," as well as beside any "rebuildable" group where the administrator has opted not to have the group rebuild at send-time.

Keep in mind your site's minimum rebuild time, especially if choosing to Resend a message soon after the original message was sent. In this case, if the group was just rebuilt for the original delivery, it may not pick up any new members for your second delivery. Scheduling any Resend at least 24 hours after the original should rebuild the group prior to delivery.