S1 Display User Data
Use the S1 tag to display user data for a logged-in user such as name and address. The value rendered will be an attribute or preference for the current Constituent. Interests are stored as preferences, so this tag can also return the user's preference for a specific interest category. For example, to greet the logged in user by first name, code it as:
Hello, [[S1:first_name]]!
You can also use this tag to determine if a user is logged in. See Use the S1 Tag to See if a User is Logged In.
Can You Add This S-Tag in the WYSIWYG content editor?
Can You Add This S-Tag in the Luminate CMS WYSIWYG content editor?
[[S1:attribute identifier]] or [[S1:special identifier]]
<convio:session name="1" param="attribute identifier" />
An attribute identifier is the value of the ID attribute of an AttrCfg element in the SiteAttrCfg XML file. For example, [[S1:cons_id]]
will be substituted with the constituent ID of the current user/constituent.
Note: this syntax is preferred over the second, special identifier, syntax.
The special identifiers are as follows:
Description |
Attribute Identifier |
Constituent Identifier |
cons_id |
User Name |
user_name |
Clear Text Password Note: Renders a link to reset password if new user login flow is enabled (USER_SECURITY_ENHANCEMENTS_ENABLED=true) |
user_password |
Title/Honorific |
cons_title (e.g. "Ms.") |
First/Given Name |
first_name |
Middle Name |
middle_name |
Last Name or Surname |
last_name |
Suffix, such as Jr. or Sr. |
cons_suffix |
A Professional Qualifier, such as PhD |
cons_prof_suffix |
Home Email Address |
home_primary_email |
Home Address - First line |
home_street1 |
Home Address - Second line |
home_street2 |
Home Address - Third line |
home_street3 |
Home Address - City |
home_city |
Home Address - State or Province |
home_stateprov |
Home Address - Zip or Postal Code |
home_zip |
Home Address - Country |
home_country |
Home Phone Number |
work_phone_number |
Work Email Address |
work_primary_email |
Work Address - First line |
work_street1 |
Work Address - Second line |
work_street2 |
Work Address - Third line |
work_street3 |
Work Address - City |
work_city |
Work Address - State or Province |
work_stateprov |
Work Address - Zip or Postal Code |
work_zip |
Work Address - Country |
work_country |
Work Phone Number |
work_phone_number |
Sample Code
[[?xx::x[[S1:user_name]]x::Who are you?::Howdy [[S1:first_name]]!]]
If no user_name value is present (meaning the user is not logged in), the "xx" will return "True" and the text "Who are you?" will display. If a value of "False" is returned, then the S1 tag has a value and the user is logged in.
Displays a warning that content is required if the user has set preferences to use accessible alternatives. Otherwise, nothing is displayed.
<convio:session name="1" param="membership_status"></convio:session>
Note: As a best practice, do not use the S1 tag to display transactional data, such as payment amounts or dates, due to inconsistent behavior with the tag. There is no guarantee the data will be written to the database before it is accessed.
Use the S1 Tag to See if a User is Logged In
The S1 tag allows you to see if a user is logged in and display content accordingly.
Open a PageBuilder page.
Insert the following content:
[[?xx::x[[S1:user_name]]x::You are not logged in.::You are logged in.]]
This code tests whether a given user is logged in or not. If the [[S1:user_name]] returns a value, it will be the user name, flanked by x's. Obviously, something like "xgreenRunnerx" will not match "xx" (there will only be a match if the tag returns nothing). -
Save the document.
Visit the page as a guest visitor. Confirm that the message, "You are not logged in," displays.
Log in and visit the page as a logged in user. Confirm that the "You are logged in" message displays.