S48 TeamRaiser Participant Information

Use the S48 Tag to display summary information for a TeamRaiser participant.

Note: If the value of fr_ID is a Personal Fundraising campaign, use the S548 Tag.

The following Site Option settings impact how offline gift data is collected and displayed by the S48 tag:

  • F2F_CENTER_INCLUDE_UNCONFIRMED: Includes unconfirmed gifts in the Participant Center gift information and other gift status lists. For cross-event lists like national company team and participant lists, this is a site-wide setting that is not overridable by event options in TeamRaiser configuration. If set to TRUE, also set F2F_ACCEPT_OFFLINE to TRUE.

  • F2F_ACCEPT_OFFLINE: Enables TeamRaiser participants to enter and view offline gifts If set to TRUE, also set F2F_CENTER_INCLUDE_UNCONFIRMED to TRUE.



Can You Add This S-Tag in the WYSIWYG content editor?

Unlike most S-Tags, S48 Tags are added in the Luminate Online WYSIWYG content editor by clicking the Conditional button rather than clicking the Component button.

Click Conditionals and select TeamRaiser > All Conditionals.

Can You Add This S-Tag in the Luminate CMS WYSIWYG content editor?

  1. In the Luminate CMS WYSIWYG content editor, click Insert Component.

  2. Select CRM Content from the Component Type list.

  3. In the WYSIWYG content editor, click Conditional.

  4. On the Insert Conditional menu, select TeamRaiser > All Conditionals and click Insert.

  5. Click Finish to close the WYSIWYG content editor.


  • Standard


  • XML

    <convio:session name="48" param="fr_ID:type:param"/>


  • fr_id T he ID of the TeamRaiser

  • type One of:

    • part-type The name of the participation type

    • part-type-id The ID of the participation type

    • team-id The ID of the team or blank if not on a team

    • team-name The name of the team

    • company-name The name of the company if on a company team

    • hon-team-id The honorary team ID

    • hon-team-name The honorary team name

    • goal The participant's goal

    • dollars The dollars raised so far by the participant (Note that the full meaning varies depending on Site Option settings)

    • donations The number of donations raised by the participant (Note that the full meaning varies depending on Site Option settings)

    • emails-sent The number of e-mails the participant has sent

    • pct-of-goal The percent of goal that the participant has achieved

    • goal-remaining The amount remaining to reach goal

    • days-since-reg The number of days since the participant registered

    • days-to-event The number of days until the event

    • race-number The participant's assigned race number

    • participant-id The participant's cons_id

    • fr-id The TeamRaiser ID

    • question The participant's response to a particular question

    • add-on-value The participant's choice for a particular add-on

    • add-on-cost The participant's cost associated with choosing that add-on.

    • dollars-online Money raised online by the participant

    • dollars-offline-confirmed Confirmed offline dollars raised by the participant

    • dollars-offline-unconfirmed Offline dollars not yet confirmed for the participant

    • dollars-offline-all Total offline dollars for the participant

    • dollars-all-confirmed Total of all online and offline confirmed dollars raised by the participant

    • dollars-all Total dollars raised offline or online, confirmed or unconfirmed regardless of Site Option settings

    • donations-online See above, but change dollars to number of donations

    • donations-offline-confirmed See above, but change dollars to number of donations

    • donations-offline-unconfirmed See above, but change dollars to number of donations

    • donations-offline-all See above, but change dollars to number of donations

    • donations-all-confirmed See above, but change dollars to number of donations

    • donations-all See above, but change dollars to number of donations

    • if-dollars-gt If dollars raised are greater than the param return TRUE.

    • if-dollars-lt If dollars raised are less than the param return TRUE.

    • if-donations-gt If donations solicited are greater than the param return TRUE.

    • if-donations-lt If donations solicited are less than the param return TRUE.

    • if-emails-gt If emails sent by the participant is greater than param, TRUE.

    • if-emails-lt If emails sent by the participant is less than param, TRUE.

    • if-percent-gt If percent of goal achieved is greater than param, TRUE.

    • if-percent-lt If percent of goal achieved is less than param, TRUE.

    • if-is-captain If the participant is a team captain, TRUE.

    • if-on-team If the participant is on a team, TRUE.

    • if-page-updated If the participant has updated his personal page, TRUE.

    • if-has-participant-center TRUE if the participant has a participant center (e.g. not a secondary registration)

    • if-in-group TRUE if the participant is a member of the group specified. Note that this is different from an S45 which checks the current user for group membership when in the context of someone looking at someone else's personal page or making a donation on someone else's behalf.

    • if-is-self-donor If the participant has made a self donation, TRUE. (Support for this type begins in the Aspen release.)

    • cons.FIELD Renders the given field for the participant's constituent record

    • screenname Renders the screen name for the participant's registration

    • isAnonymous Renders true if the registration is anonymous false otherwise

    • dsp-commitment Amount the participant committed to raising as part of the delayed self-pledge.

    • dsp-initial payment Amount of the initial payment towards the delayed self-pledge (registration fee + additional gift)

    • dsp-raised Amount of confirmed gifts raised by the participant that are counted toward the delayed self-pledge

    • dsp-owed Amount of the delayed self-pledge owed by the participant (dsp-commitment minus dsp-raised)

    • tent-eligible Is the participant eligible for tenting (TRUE or FALSE)

    • tent-status-num The numeric value of the participant's tenting status. Tent numbers match to the following statuses:

      • 0 = Initial status

      • 1 = Eligible for pairing

      • 2 = No tent required

      • 3 = Single tent

      • 4 = Requested

      • 5 = Requested by tentmate

      • 6 = Requested by tentmate and eligible

      • 7 = Accepted awaiting eligibility

      • 8 = Accepted awaiting tentmate eligibility

      • 9 = Accepted and confirmed

    • tent-status-text The text equivalent (from message catalog) of the participant's tenting status.

    • tent-confirmation-num The confirmation number for the participant's tenting assignment.

    • tent-site The participant's tent site.

    • tent-instructions The participant's tenting instructions.

    • tentmate-consid The participant's tentmate's cons_id.

    • tentmate-name The participant's tentmate's name.

    • facebook-fundraiser-id Renders either the Facebook Fundraiser ID, or an empty string if the participant hasn't linked their registration to a Facebook Fundraiser

  • param A type-specific parameter used as follows:

    • For any conditional type, the value to compare against.

    • For a question, the text of the question that you want to retrieve.


If you are referring to the TeamRaiser that you are on, you can use 0 for the TeamRaiser instead of the fr_id.

You can use this tag on a donation form used for the TeamRaiser as well as on a TeamRaiser page.

If the fr_id corresponds to a Personal Fundraising campaign, this tag defers to S548 (see that tag for supported types).

Rather than render in the context of the logged-in constituent, you can pass a specific cons_id: [[S48:fr_id-cons_id:type:param]]

To test if a logged-in constituent is registered for a TeamRaiser event, conditionalize on part-type-id. For example, [[?xx::xS48:0:part-type-idx::not registered::registered]]. You should not conditionalize on if-has-participant-center, because this will be FALSE for some registered participants.

Sample Code

  • Standard


  • Blackbaud Tag

    <convio:session name="48" param="1001001:dollars"/>