Move sustaining gifts to a new merchant account

After your organization sets up a credit card processing gateway with a new merchant account, the last step is to cancel existing sustaining gifts (also called recurring gifts) from the previous merchant account and enter the credit card information in the new account.

Note: For the new checkout, to prevent payments from failing, move any non-Blackbaud Merchant Services credit card sustaining gifts to the new merchant account.

See also Knowledgebase article, How do I move existing recurring gifts to Blackbaud Merchant Services?

First, cancel the existing sustaining gift

Tip: You'll need to re-enter the credit card information and gift details from the old gift when you create the new gift.

  1. Go to Fundraising > Donation Management > Sustaining Gifts.

  2. On the Sustaining Gift List page, search for the sustaining gift that you want to cancel.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. At the bottom of the page, select Cancel Sustaining Gift.

Next, create a new sustaining gift

  1. In Luminate Online, go to Constituent360 > Constituents.

  2. Type part of the constituent information into one of the boxes and click Find to locate your donor.

  3. On the Constituent List page, select View in the Actions column.

  4. On the Constituents page, select the Transactions tab.

  5. Scroll down to Gift Entry and select the donation form that you want to use.

    Note: Select a donation form where you've set the Interaction Mode to online/offline. Only gifts set up for both options are available for Gift Entry on the administrator side. If you want to use a different form than the general donations form, you must edit the new form to accept both online and offline gifts.

  6. Click Go.

  7. Complete the form and click Submit.