Edit and Delete Security Categories
Warning: It is possible to delete a security category that is being used. Therefore, it is not a good idea to delete a Security Category unless you have just created it and are certain it is not being used. Otherwise, contact Support to delete a Security Category for you.
Occasionally, you might need to make a change to a Security Category. For example, as a Spring Gala approaches, you can give that category a higher priority so that Spring Gala pages display before pages placed in another category.
From the navigation bar, select Setup > Security Categories.
Click the Name of the category you would like to modify.
Tip: To locate the category in a long list, enter all or part of the name in the Search field and click the Search button.
On the Category Info page, make changes as necessary. For example, you might increase the Priority of the "Spring Gala Pages."
Click Save to complete your changes.
From the navigation bar, select Setup > Security Categories.
On the Security Category List page, click the name of the category you want to delete.
Note: To locate the category in a long list, enter all or part of the name in the Search field, and click Search.
On the Category Info page, click Delete. The system displays a confirmation prompt.
Click OK. The system displays the Security Category List page where your category no longer displays on the list.