Choose Your Sustainable Development Goals

Organizations may select the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with which their mission aligns from the Administration > Sustainable Development Goals area in NPOconnect. These goals and their targets are part of an organization's Global Goals profile and will be displayed on the Nonprofit Profile.

  1. Navigate to the Administration > Sustainable Development Goals area to launch the process for selecting your goals.

  2. In Step 1, confirm whether your organization receives monetary donations and volunteer services by selecting the checkbox next to the following options:

    • My organization receives financial contributions

    • My organization engages volunteers to help achieve our goals

    Note: If either option is left unchecked, then all related goals, targets, and allocations for giving or volunteering will be removed from your profile.

  3. In Step 2, select the goals that align with your mission and the work your organization does.

    Note: A complete list of goals can be found here. When selecting a goal, you can also specify any target outcomes and means for implementation that apply to your organization. Note that selecting these targets is not required to save the goal to your profile.

  4. In Step 3, specify the percentage of non-administrative dollars and volunteer hours that are dedicated to the goals and targets you have selected.

    Note: This will appear in your Nonprofit Profile.

  5. In Step 4, review your goals before saving them.

After saving, your Global Goals and their associated percentage will update in your Nonprofit Profile. Should you ever need to update them, you can return to this area and click on Edit my SDGs to make any changes to your selections.


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