Verify Donations and Matching Gifts

You can review and verify pending donations in the Giving > Donation Verification area of NPOconnect.

Tip: Not all organizations require donations to be verified before they can be disbursed. Typically, donations and matching gifts that require verification must be verified within 90 days. Failure to do so may result in your ineligibility to receive the corporate gift.

  1. Navigate to Sign in to NPOconnect by entering your email and then log in with your Blackbaud ID (BBID) account.

  2. After signing in, select Giving in the side navigation and then click on the Donation Verification tile.

  3. In the Donation Verification area, select the Pending verification filter next to the Search bar.

  4. To action the donations, select one of the following icons next to the donation:

    • Verify donation - Approve the donation and match amount.

    • Reject donation - Deny the donation and match amount.

    Select the Pending verification filter on the Donation Verification page to view match gifts that need to be reviewed.


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