AI acknowledgements configuration
From Acknowledgements, Configurations, you can view, edit, and add new AI profiles and AI acknowledgement templates.
From Acknowledgements, Configurations, AI profiles, select New, or next to an existing AI profile, select Edit.
Enter a name for the profile.
To have Blackbaud AI generate the acknowledgement's email subject line, select AI generated subject. Otherwise, enter an email subject line.
Select an email template. The list includes the Default template and any other templates you've configured. For more information, see Add new AI acknowledgement template.
Select an Acknowledgement Letter type. If you select a type, it appears on gift records, under Acknowledgements and receipts, Acknowledgement letter.
Under Segmentation Criteria, select a fundraiser, gift type, gift subtype, fund and gift range you want this profile to apply to.
Select a tone for the message content. For more information, see AI Acknowledgement Tone Types.
Under Donation information to include, select which gift details from the gift record you want to display in the message content.
Under Additional details to include, you can give the AI specific instructions for the message content beyond the tone of voice. For more informaition, see Additional AI instructions
Select Save.
Note: You can edit AI generated subject lines after a message is generated.
Note: In the database view, your organization can create and manage Acknowledgement Letter types in Letters under Configuration.
Acknowledgement templates define the appearance and formatting elements for AI acknowledgement messages.
From Acknowledgements, Configurations, Acknowledgement templates, select New.
Enter the template name.
Enter the name of the sender.
Enter the sender's email address.
Tip: Send from an email address that includes your domain, such as, so recipients can easily identify it came from your organization.
Enter a reply name to show who receives responses when recipients reply to the email. If you filter responses to a central monitored location, use a name that indicates it's a generic mailbox, such as Customer Support.
Enter a reply email to show where recipients send responses when they reply to the email. To filter responses to a central monitored location, use a generic email address such as info@*.org.
Select Open email designer.
Under Design content, add design elements to the email to reflect your organization's branding, and include any additional merge fields or text that won't be generated by AI acknowledgement. At minimum, you must leave the email_body merge field in place to include AI acknowledgement's message content.
Select Apply.
Note: Receiving mail systems also use the reply-to email address to return or bounce messages when delivery fails.
For more information, see Email designer.