Gift Type Analysis for Campaigns, Funds, or Appeals
Donors may give all types of gifts — such as one-time gifts, pledges, and gifts-in-kind — in response to an appeal or toward a campaign or fund. To help determine which types of gifts a campaign, fund, or appeal attracts, you can quickly compare how much each type contributed to its giving under Gifts by all types on its record. With this insight, you can adjust the appeal — or those of the campaign or fund — to target gift types that resonate with its donors to increase giving.
Tip: To view a list of gifts received of a specific type, select its bar. For further analysis, select Create list to open the list, where you can apply additional filters, choose columns, and save for future reuse. For more information, see Lists.
To help ensure the longevity of a campaign, fund, or appeal we recommend a good balance of both cash-in-hand giving and commitments.
Cash-in-hand giving — such as one-time gifts and payments toward pledges and recurring gifts — contribute directly to your immediate fundraising success.
Commitments — such as pledges and planned gifts — can help ensure a stable and continued revenue stream in the future.
Tip: To focus on giving from a specific time period, use the Gift date filter. The Revenue type filter doesn't apply to Gifts by all types. For more information, see Campaign, Fund, or Appeal Filters.
To help drive specific types of gifts, adjust your appeals to better explain the need for giving — either immediate or in the future — and the impact donors have. For other recommendations of how to drive giving through appeals, see Appeals Best Practices.
Note: For information about the types of gifts, see Gift Types.
Note: Hang tight! It may take up to three hours for these metrics to update based on new or edited information.