Opportunity Funding
As you manage an opportunity, we recommend you save pertinent gift amounts to help track its effectiveness and whether it meets expectations.
The ask amount provides how much was requested when you made the solicitation. We recommend you base this amount on your research of the prospect and how much you think they'll donate to your organization. You may ask for more or less than you expect to receive, based on the donor's wealth capacity or likelihood to donate.
Tip: If you use ResearchPoint, you can view ratings to help determine the constituent's wealth capacity. For more information, see ResearchPoint Ratings.
The expected amount provides how much you realistically intend to receive as a result of the opportunity. We recommend you use this amount to help forecast projected revenue.
The funded amount provides how much the donor gave in response to the opportunity. Use this amount to plan additional asks. For example, if you expected to receive $10,000, but received only $5,000, you can adjust your next solicitation to a more realistic amount.
Note: Based on your organization's practice, the funded amount may include any gift type received as a result of the opportunity, including one-time gifts, payments, pledges, or other commitments.
You can view these amounts under Funding on the opportunity's record or under Opportunities on its constituent's record. In Work center, you can use these amounts to filter and analyze your opportunities.
Tip: To analyze the total funding amounts of multiple opportunities, such as for a specific time period or purpose, select Fundraising, Analyze, Opportunities. For more information, see Opportunities Analysis.
To update an opportunity's funding amounts or dates, select Edit under Funding on its record, adjust its information as necessary, and select Save.
Tip: Don’t see this option? Contact your system admin for rights to make this type of change.