
Pledges are commitments donors make to donate in the future with a single gift or through scheduled payments called installments. For example, if a donor pledges $1200 and plans to make 12 monthly payments of $100, in the web view you can add the pledge.

From a pledge record in the web view, you can view its:

  • Pledge summary is how much the donor has paid, the balance that is left to pay, and their next installment.

  • Pledge burndown is the donor's progress toward their commitment, alongside the installment schedule and detailed payment history.

    Tip: To view the pledge burndown offline, select its ... menu to print, download the chart, or download the results as a comma-separated values (CSV) or Microsoft Excel (XLS) file.

  • Pledge schedule is how often the donor pays installments and how many they committed to pay. For more information, see Pledge Schedule.

    Tip: To view a list of the installments with details, such as the date, amount, and remaining balance select View full schedule .

In the web view, you can add a pledge gift from the constituent's record, Fundraising, or Home. For more information, see Add Pledges and Generate Installments and Add Payments for Manual Pledges.