Fundraiser Assignments

To help cultivate relationships with constituents or prospects, you should assign fundraisers to interact with them and secure giving on behalf of your organization.

Tip: Admins! In Work Center, fundraiser can easily manage all their assigned relationships from one central location. To enable your fundraisers to use Work Center, see Set Up Fundraising Work Center.

Assign fundraisers to a constituent

  1. Select the constituent and select Assign.

    • From a list of constituents, select Assign fundraiser from the constituent's menu.

      Tip: From Unassigned Constituents, you can assign multiple relationships to a fundraiser at the same time. Simply select the constituents and then select Assign fundraiser.

    • On the constituent's record, select Assign under Assigned fundraisers.

  2. In the Fundraiser field, search for who will manage the relationship with the constituent.

    Tip: When you choose who should manage a constituent relationship, there are several considerations that help make an informed decision. For information, see Assignment Best Practices.

  3. In the Fundraiser type field, choose the context of the relationship, such as Campaign or Event.

    Note: Set up the available types as solicitor types in Tables.

  4. Choose when the relationship begins and ends.

    Tip: To indicate an active, ongoing relationship, leave the Assignment ends field blank.

  5. In the Reason for assignment field, explain why you assign this fundraiser to this constituent.

  6. Under Fundraising details, enter information about the gifts that result from the assignment.

    1. In the Amount field, enter how much you intend the fundraiser to raise.

    2. Choose the campaign and fund to apply the gifts toward.

    3. Choose the appeal the fundraiser should use to ask for the gifts.

    Note: When you select a restricted fund, campaign, or appeal, you can select only its associated campaigns, funds, or appeals.

  7. Select Save.

Tip: Don’t see this option? Contact your system admin for rights to make this type of change.

Edit a fundraiser assignment

To edit the details of an assignment — such as to adjust its date or reason — select Edit relationship from the fundraiser's menu under Assigned fundraisers on the constituent's record, adjust its information as necessary, and select Save.

Tip: Don’t see this option? Contact your system admin for rights to make this type of change.

End a fundraiser assignment for a constituent

To end a relationship with a constituent, such as if you decide to no longer actively solicit them, select End relationship from the fundraiser's menu under Assigned fundraisers on the constituent's record, choose when the relationship ended, and select Save.

Tip: Don’t see this option? Contact your system admin for rights to make this type of change.

Note: When you end an assignment, the constituent no longer appears in the fundraiser's Portfolio, but any related action assignments or opportunities still appear so the fundraiser can decide how to best resolve their efforts.

Delete a fundraiser assignment for a constituent

Admins! If you need to remove a fundraiser assignment from a constituent's record, such as if you inadvertently add it to the wrong person, you can delete it from their record in the database view. From the Relationships tab, select Assigned Solicitors, and then select Delete for the fundraiser to remove.

Tip: Don’t see this option? Contact your system admin for rights to make this type of change.

Manage fundraisers credited for a gift

Your organization may receive gifts as the result of fundraisers assigned to cultivate donor relationships or manage opportunities. On a gift’s record, you can view who helped solicit it and how much credit they receive for its acquisition under Credited to. You can also view their names in the Fundraisers field at the top of the record. For more information about a fundraiser, select their name to open their record.

Tip: In the database view, you can manage the gift's fundraisers as solicitors on the Gift tab of its record.

To edit fundraiser credits for a one-time gift:

  1. On the gift record, select Edit, Gift amount.

  2. Under Fundraiser credits, choose who to recognize for cultivating the gift — such as staff or board members — and how much credit they receive.

    • To add new fundraiser credits, select Add a fundraiser credit and then search for and select who to credit, and enter how much of the gift's amount to recognize them for.

    • To delete a fundraiser credit, select its Delete.

  3. Select Save.

View fundraiser assignments and details

View fundraisers assigned to an individual

On a constituent's record, you can view details about who manages their relationship under Assigned fundraisers. For each fundraiser, you can view their name, type, and when the relationship began and ended. For more details about a fundraiser, such as any goal amounts and notes, expand their row.

Note: In the database view, fundraisers appear as "solicitors."

Only active fundraiser relationships appear under Assigned fundraisers. To view previous relationships, deselect Show current. To view only a specific type of fundraiser relationship, filter the list by that type.

For each fundraiser, you can view the appeal they use to solicit gifts and the campaign and fund to apply those gifts toward.

Tip: To easily identify which active constituents aren't assigned to a fundraiser, use the Unassigned constituents list. For information, see Unassigned Constituents.

View fundraisers assigned to a campaign, fund, or appeal

On the record of a campaign, fund, or appeal, you can view who is assigned to it and how much they should raise under Fundraisers. To view details about a campaign, fund, or appeal, simply select its description to open its record.

Tip: In the database view, you can manage the fundraisers for a campaign, fund, or appeal on the Solicitors tab of its record.