Workflow Designer Email Performance Analysis
After a workflow sends an email, analytics automatically track the open, click, and bounce rates for each message to help identify areas for improvement. For example, if you notice a high bounce rate, revisit the recipients included in your lists.
View the performance of workflow email messages from Tools, Workflow designer. Under Active workflows, select View workflow from the workflow's menu . From an email step, select View stats to view analytics for all the messages from the workflow to date.
Opens is how many email messages recipients opened. To track whether recipients open email messages, the content includes an invisible graphic. When the graphic downloads from the sending server, or the recipient clicks a link, the email registers as open.
Note: If someone opens the same email to an email address more than once, only the first open counts toward the metrics. Conversely, if someone doesn’t allow images from an email, it doesn’t register as open.
To improve these metrics, make sure your email messages have descriptive and inviting subject lines that capture their recipients' attention.
Clicks is how many email messages recipients used to click at least one link. When recipients interact with your messages, they're engaged with your organization.
Note: If a recipient selects more than one link in an email — or the same link multiple times — only the first click counts toward the metrics.
When delivery of an email message fails, the mailbox provider sends our email system a response called a bounce.Bounces is how many messages failed delivery. For more information, see Hard Bounce Failures and Soft Bounce Failures.
If you notice a high bounce rate, clean up your list and check for invalid email addresses.
Recipients is how many email addresses you sent to, less the number of messages that bounced.
Note: To view a list of the names and email addresses of the recipients, navigate to
Unsubscribes is how many recipients opted out of future email messages from your organization. Requests to unsubscribe can come from the opt-out link that's included in all your email messages, or from links that some mailbox providers — including Gmail and Outlook Mail — add to the top of messages. To view a list of the names and email addresses of the recipients, select the total.
Note: When a constituent unsubscribes, the status of their email address changes to Do not email, and Raiser's Edge NXT suppresses them from future email messages. For more information about suppression, see Email Lists.