Email Lists

Tip: Impacted by California Assembly Bill 488? While you wait to be restored to good standing, suppress California residents from receiving donation solicitation emails. For more information, see California Assembly Bill 488.

Before you add content and schedule one-time email for delivery, create a constituent list to identify who should receive it. Email sends the message to each recipient's email address and automatically excludes records that meet suppression criteria. For more information, see Suppression Criteria.

For successful email campaigns, it’s essential to closely manage your current database of email addresses and use care as you identify and import new ones. Only send messages to individuals who opt in to receive your email and who engage with the content you send them.

Note: You can generate lists for sent emails for up to 13 months. After 13 months, you retain access to the metrics summary but not the expanded metrics or the ability create lists.

Tip: We recommend you send welcome email messages when new subscribers join your list to verify the addresses and provide them with an opportunity to add your "from" address to their list of approved senders. When you follow this best practice, you improve your chances of inbox placement.