Edit Billing Details
The Edit Billing Details page allows you to apply, adjust, and remove fees and discounts from an individual family account. Fees and discounts are broken down by month, as well as by whether they are Student-based or Family-based.
Tip: For information on updating a family's payment method, see Payment Settings
From the Families menu, select View All Families.
Search through the available list of families and select the name of a family.
The family's Main Family Page opens.
Via the arrow menu on the left side of the page, select Edit Billing Details.
Note: You can also access Edit Billing Details via the Families menu while you are in a Main Family Page.
You can make changes to an individual payment month for a specific fee or discount.
Select the text box for the payment you would like to adjust and enter the new value.
Note: The total updates automatically.
Enter a reason for this change. This appears in the Billing Adjustment Audit Trail.
Select Save Changes.
Spread Total allows you to equitably spread the total amount over the remaining months.
Select the Total text box and enter the new Total Amount.
Select Spread Total.
Note: The monthly payments update automatically.
Enter a reason for this change. This appears in the Billing Adjustment Audit Trail.
Select Save Changes.
Zero Out Item allows you to zero out future payments for a specific fee that already has payments applied to it.
Note: This does not affect previous payments.
Select Zero Out Item for the tuition, fee or discount.
Note: The total for this item automatically updates.
Enter a reason for this change. This appears in the Billing Adjustment Audit Trail.
Select Save Changes.
Remove Item is only available for discounts and fees that do not have any payments applied to them.
Select Remove for the fee or discount.
Enter a reason for this change. This appears in the Billing Adjustment Audit Trail.
Select Save Changes.
Zero Out Account is typically used when withdrawing or deactivating a family's account. To learn more about these processes, see Deactivate, Delete, & Withdraw Families.
Select Zero Out Account.
Enter a reason for this change. This appears in the Billing Adjustment Audit Trail.
Select Save Changes.
As an administrator, you can add fees at any time, even after the end of a payment plan.
Select Add Fee.
Use Select a Fee to select the applicable fee.
Note: If you are adding a Student-based fee, you are prompted to select the student(s) the fee should apply to.
Enter a reason for this change. This appears in the Billing Adjustment Audit Trail.
Select Save Changes.
Select Add Shopping Cart Fee.
A new menu appears called Select A Shopping Cart Fee. Select the relevant fee.
Select the name of the student to review and edit the dollar amount and date for the fee.
Enter a reason for this change. This appears in the Billing Adjustment Audit Trail.
Select Save Changes.
Note: The categories of shopping cart fees will have to be set up in advance before you can choose them in Edit Billing Details. For more information, see Manage Fees.
As an administrator, you can add discounts at any time, even after the end of a payment plan.
Select Add Discount.
Use Select a Discount to select the applicable discount.
Note: If you are adding a Student-based discount, you are prompted to select the student(s) the discount should apply to.
Enter a reason for this change. This appears in the Billing Adjustment Audit Trail.
Select Save Changes.
Billing Adjustment Audit Trail shows any billing changes made to the family's account. It is broken down by Tuition, Fees, Discounts, and Tuition Management Display Fees. You can see the following information for each change:
Month Adjusted: Reflects the month that was adjusted
Date of Adjustment: Shows date and time of adjustment
Applied On(Family/Student): Shows if the adjustment was applied to the family or an individual student
Fee Name: Shows the name of this fee
Original Amount: Shows the amount before the adjustment was made
Adjustment: Shows the amount added or subtracted
New Amount: Shows new amount after adjustment
Reason for Adjustment: Shows manually entered reason
Adjusted By: User who made the adjustment
If a new debit reminder is available to send, you can send it to the user.
Note: This feature is only available for families who have set up automatic debit payments.
Open the left-side menu using the > icon. Under More Options, select Automatic Debit Settings.
If a revised debit reminder is available, you will see a button labeled Request Revised Debit Reminder Email. Select this button.
Select Ok.