Unless there is a Blackbaud error, Tuition Management cannot process refunds to families. All refunds must come directly from the school.
If there is a payment currently in process that the parent wants refunded, Tuition Management will remit these funds to the school once the payment is successfully processed. Once the funds are remitted, the school must refund parents directly and reflect the refund within Tuition Management.
Over-payments on Tuition Management accounts can either be left to apply to the next month's billing, be transferred to a future/current school year, or be refunded to the family.
If a family needs to be refunded, first ensure the funds have been transferred to the school by reviewing the payment status. Funds for payments listed as Settled should currently be in the school's possession.
Once you have refunded the payer directly, enter the refund in Tuition Management.
Unallocate the payment
Go to Families > View All Families to search for the family.
Select the clock icon to open their Payment History.
Locate the payment and select Edit Payment Allocation.
Confirm the Un-Assign button is green and select Submit.
Select the check mark to proceed with unallocating the payment.
If necessary, correct the billing that is no longer owed by adjusting the billing details. Typically, the billing item being refunded should be zeroed out or reduced. For more information, see Edit Billing Details.
Issue an in-school refund fee on the account for the refund/credit amount. If you do not have an in-school refund fee, you may need to create one.
Note: We recommend making this refund fee Family based with the Distribute Type set to Specific Months with all months selected.