Add a Batch Workflow Status Screen

The table below explains the items on the Add a batch workflow status screen. For information about how to access this screen, see Add a Batch Workflow Status.

Screen Item



On the General tab, enter a name to help identify the batch workflow status. You can enter up to 100 characters in this field. The Name of each status in a batch workflow must be unique.

This is the initial status for the workflow

To designate this as the first status in the workflow, select this option. When this checkbox is selected, a newly created batch starts with this status.

You can specify only one status as the initial status of the workflow. When an existing status in the workflow is currently specified as the initial status, the program automatically deselects This is the initial status for the workflow for that status.

Allow batch to be edited in this status

To enable a user to edit the data entry of a batch in this status, select this option. The user can then edit the properties or data of a batch in this status.

Allow batch to be committed when in this status

To enable a user to commit the records of a batch in this status to the database, select this option. Depending on the workflow, you can enable users to commit a batch from multiple statuses. When you mark this option, the Only allow commit when projected totals match batch totals checkbox is enabled. Select this option to ensure projected totals and batch totals match before committing the batch.

Days allowed before batch is overdue

Enter the number of days the batch can be in the workflow status before it is overdue. The maximum number you can enter is 255. When you set a time limit for a workflow status, an exclamation point icon appears in the Batch number column for any overdue batches on the Uncommitted Batches tab of the Batch Entry page.

To specify no time limit on the workflow status, leave the default setting of “0.”

System role

On the Permissions tab, this box displays all roles eligible to access batches in the status. For each system role, specify the access rights as necessary.

To enable users in a specific system role to access a batch in the status, select the role and click Grant on the action bar.

To prevent users in a specific system role from accessing a batch in the status, select the role and click Deny on the action bar. When a user is associated with multiple system roles and one of those roles is denied access rights to a batch in the status, the user cannot access the batch, even if another of the user's system roles is granted rights.

To neither grant or deny a system role access rights to a batch in this status, select the role and click Clear on the action bar. To remove all granted and denied statuses assigned to system roles, click Clear all on the action bar.



You are here: Overview > Administration > Batch Overview > Batch Configuration > Configure Batch Workflows > Batch Workflow Record > Add a Batch Workflow Status > Add a Batch Workflow Status Screen