Edit batch properties

Editing properties allows you to make changes to the batch configuration, such as batch number and description, once you save it. To ensure that a batch owner has access to the batch once it is committed, click Update status to change owners instead of Edit properties on the action bar. For more information, see Update a Batch to the Next Workflow Status.

1. From the Batch page in Administration, click Batch entry. The Batch Entry page appears.
2. Select the Uncommitted Batches tab.
3. Under Uncommitted batches, click the double arrows next to a batch to expand its row. On the action bar, click Edit properties. The Edit batch properties screen appears.

Tip: You can also access the Edit batch properties screen from the toolbar of the batch data entry grid. From the toolbar, click Properties.

4. Edit the information as necessary. You can Select Enable auto-save to automatically save each row in the batch as you work.
5. Click Save. You return to the Batch Entry page.

Warning: The batch number must be unique per template. When you change the batch number to one that is used by another batch, a message appears to remind you that the batch number must be unique. Click OK and enter a new number to identify the batch.



You are here: Overview > Administration > Batch Overview > Batch Entry > Uncommitted Batches > Edit a Batch > Edit batch properties