Delete a prospect’s nonprofit affiliation information

Note: Deleting a record does not prevent the record from being included in future WealthPoint updates. The next time you run a WealthPoint update on the constituent, the deleted record reappears in the results. To permanently remove the record from a constituent’s WealthPoint data, you can reject the record.

1. From the prospect’s Wealth and Ratings page, select the Affiliations tab.
2. Near the middle of the tab, expand the Non-profit affiliations section.

Note: For organizations and households, click Non-profit affiliations in the Wealth summary section of the Wealth and Ratings screen.

3. Locate and select the record you want to delete.
4. On the action bar, click Delete. A confirmation screen appears.
5. Click Yes to remove the entry.



You are here: Overview > Need Help With Prospects? > Prospect Research Wealth Record > Prospect Affiliations > Nonprofit Affiliations Information > Delete a prospect nonprofit affiliation information