For individuals, the Non-profit Affiliations section of the Affiliations tab tracks the prospect’s relationship with nonprofit organizations.
For organizations, groups, and households, the Wealth and Ratings - Nonprofit Affiliations page tracks the prospect/household's relationships with nonprofit organizations.
It also stores information from GuideStar imported from WealthPoint.
GuideStar scans the names of 220,000 nonprofit board members and executives from 275,000 organizations and extracts information such as nonprofit organization name, affiliation, and address of the donor.
For information about managing your columns and filtering and searching content in the grid, see Display Tips for Members List.
Add a propsect’s nonprofit affiliation information
Add Nonprofit Affiliation Information Screen
Edit a propsect’s nonprofit affiliation information
Confirm a propsect’s nonprofit affiliation information
Unconfirm a prospect's nonprofit affiliation information
Reject prospect nonprofit affiliation information
Delete a prospect nonprofit affiliation information