Edit a constituent’s nonprofit affiliation information

1. From the constituent’s Wealth and Ratings page, select the Affiliations tab.
2. Near the middle of the tab, expand the Non-profit affiliations section.

Note: For organizations and households, click Non-profit affiliations in the Wealth summary section of the Wealth and Ratings screen.

3. Locate and select the record you want to change.
4. Click Edit. The Edit nonprofit affiliation information screen appears.
5. Enter the new information. The fields and options included on this screen are the same as those on the Add nonprofit affiliation information screen. For more information about these fields and options, see Add Nonprofit Affiliation Information Screen.
6. To save your entry and return to the Affiliation tab, click Save.



You are here: Overview > Need Help With Prospects? > Prospect Research Wealth Record > Prospect Affiliations > Nonprofit Affiliations Information > Edit a propsect’s nonprofit affiliation information