Edit email content

1. From Administration, click Email alerts. The Email alerts page appears.
2. On the Email alerts page, select the alert with the email content to edit and click Go to alert type. The record of the email alert appears.
3. For a custom email alert or a task reminder email alert, select the Manage alert definition tab.
4. Under Email content, click Edit. The Edit email content screen appears.
5. In the Email subject field, edit the subject line of the email message as necessary.
6. Under Email body, compose the email message users receive with the alert.

Under Available merge fields, a list of merge fields available for the type of email alert appears. To personalize the message, use merge fields to include information specific to the recipient or the change that causes the email alert. To add a merge field in the body, select it under Available merge fields and click the right arrow. For example, for an email alert about a change in the ownership of a batch, use merge fields to include information about the number, type, and status of the batch.

7. Click Save. You return to the email alert record.



You are here: Overview > Administration > Email Alerts > Email Alert Record > Manage Alert Definition > Edit Content of an Email Alert > Edit email content