Edit a prospect educational involvement information

  1. From the prospect’s Wealth and Ratings page, select the Biographical Information tab.

  2. Expand the Educational involvement section.

  3. Expand the entry you want to edit.

  4. Click Edit. The Edit educational involvement screen appears.

  5. In the Type field, select the type of involvement to add, such as “Athletics” or “Study Abroad Program.”

  6. In the Name field, select the name of the involvement.

  7. Enter the date range, if known, in which the individual participated in the involvement.

  8. In the Educational institution, select the educational institution. The educational institutions available are those for which the individual has an education record.

  9. If the educational institution is affiliated with your organization, you can select the program, college or school, division, department, and sub department to associate with this involvement. The information available in these fields is based on the academic catalog set up for educational institution in Administration. If the educational institution is not affiliated with your organization, you can enter or select whichever program, college/school, and department information is applicable.

  10. In the Position field, enter the position held.

  11. In the Award field, select any special recognition or award the individual received associated with the involvement.

  12. In the Notes field, enter any additional information about the involvement.

  13. Click Save.



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