Access archived information
To make your system easier to navigate, archived items are hidden from normal views.
To access these historical records, follow the instructions below.
From Opportunity, Portfolios, All, locate your opportunity's portfolio.
Select Portfolio Details.
Select the Opportunities tab.
On an archived opportunity, select the number in its Applications column.
From here, you can create custom reports or review
Note: All applications appear in their final categories, such as Submitted, Accepted, or Declined.
Go to Opportunity, Evaluators, Reviewer Groups.
At the top right, select the Archived tab.
Note: If you don't see the Archived tab, your system has no archived reviewer groups.
Go to Opportunity, Evaluators, Reference Questionnaires.
At the top right, select the Archived tab.
Note: If you don't see the Archived tab, your system has no archived reference questionnaires.
After 365 days, archived opportunities (and their associated applications, reviews, etc.) move from archived to frozen. Any archived opportunities that are more than a year old as of the feature deploy date, that is September 29, 2021, will show the freeze date of September 29, 2021. For opportunities with a later archive date, the freeze date will be a year from the date the opportunity is archived.
To access frozen opportunities, go to Opportunity, Portfolio, Opportunities and filter by Opportunity Status.
To access frozen applications, go to a bulk application grid (e.g., Opportunity, Portfolios, Auto-Match Applications) and select Download Frozen Data.
Note: You'll only see Download Frozen Data on a bulk application grid if you have frozen application data.