Document File Upload FAQ

The file size limit for upload is 10 Mb.
The file name can only have the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9
Only hyphens are allowed. No other special characters allowed, including a period.
The file name must be under 251 characters
No password-protected files

Note: Google docs are not accepted.
The accepted list of file types is included in the following table. If you don't see a file type listed, that file type is not accepted.
List of acceptable file types for upload | |||||||||
7z | css | dwg | indd | m4v | onetoc2 | ppt | s | udk | xls |
abw | csv | eml | index | manifest | opd | pptm | scan | url | xlsm |
ai | cwk | eps | inetioc | map | orysya | pptx | sds | vob | xml |
amr | dat | faces | ini | mdi | owa | ppx | shs | vpr | xlsx |
avi | db | fileloc | jp2 | mht | oxps | prc | snb | wav | xps |
aww | dll | flv | jpeg | mig | p7s | prn | swf | webloc | xwd |
axd | do | fop | jpg | mod | pages | prnx | sxw | webp | zip |
ba0 | doc | fwd | jtp | mov | pak | psd | t13 | website | |
bak | docm | gbl | kes | mp3 | partial | pspimage | template | wiz | |
bmp | docx | gif | key | mp4 | pub | thmx | wimp | ||
cdf | dot | gsheet | ink | mpg | pic | rar | tif | wma | |
contact | dotm | gslides | itr | msg | plist | rmr | tiff | wmv | |
cr2 | dotx | htm | lwp | mts | png | rsm | tmp | wpd | |
crx | download | ico | m4a | one | ppsx | rtf | txt | wps |

pdf - view-only documents and these can include images
docx - text document created using Microsoft Word
doc - similar to docx files
xlsx - spreadsheet file created in Microsoft Excel
txt - basic text file created using Notepad, for example
mp4 - video file that also cotain audio and subtitles
rtf - text file that contains formatted text and can be shared between systems
odt -similar to docx, but created in OpenOffice

You cannot delete an uploaded file. Any file that was uploaded remains in the document history.

See this knowledge base article for information.