Create and publish bulletins
A fund bulletin is a newsletter related to one or many funds, including information like fund highlights, project updates, recipient profiles, etc.
Use bulletins to share longer length stories with your donors, such as recipient interviews.
Note: For clients with access to Stewardship Management, fund bulletins can be created and edited by any system administrator or stewardship administrator.

To create a bulletin:
Go to Stewardship, Bulletins.
Select Create Bulletin.
In Title, enter a title for the new bulletin.
In Thumbnail Image, select Choose File and select a .jpg or .png file to display to the donor contact. The recommended dimensions are 250px wide by 200px tall. Then:
Crop your image.
Add an image description.
Click Confirm.
Choose which funds have access to your bulletin:
Select Add All Funds to make the bulletin visible to all donor contacts
Select Add Funds by Scope to make the bulletin visible to donor contacts in different groups of funds
Select Add Fund to add funds one by one
Select a save option:
Select Save and View Bulletin to preview what your donor contact will see
Select Save Bulletin to save your progress and continue making edits
To make the bulletin visible to donor contacts, select Publish at the top right of your screen.
Tip: To preview your bulletin at any time, select Donor View at the top right of your screen.

You may want to remove a bulletin from the donor portal or future donor reports.
You can delete any unpublished bulletin.
To unpublish a previously published bulletin:
Go to Stewardship, Bulletins.
At the top right of your screen, select the Published tab.
On a specific bulletin, select Edit.
At the top right of your screen, select Unpublish.
Note: To republish your bulletin, follow the same steps from the Unpublished tab.