Manually assign applications to reviewers
Use manual assignment for your reviewer groups when you want:
To control which applications go where
More or less applications assigned to certain reviewers

To set up manual assignment on a reviewer group:
Go to Opportunity, Evaluators, Reviewer Groups and select your reviewer group.
For Assign Reviews, select Manually.
Select Update Group.
Optional: If you want to avoid assigning unqualified applications (those without at least one qualification point or those that remain at the Drafted category), you may leave the Only Qualified Applications setting turned on.
Tip: To avoid assigning unqualified applications, make sure you've also selected Only Review Qualified Applications.

On an opportunity or application record, go to the Reviews, Reviewers tab.
On a reviewer, select Assignments.
Select one or more applications.
Select Assign Selected.
Note: If your group has Only Review Qualified Applications selected, reviewers will not see Drafted General Applications.

So long as a group is set to Manual assignment and assigned to a specific opportunity, you can manually assign applications to every member of the group:
On the assigned opportunity or application record, go to the Applications tab.
Select one or more applications.
At the bottom of the grid, select Act on Selected, Assign to Reviewer Groups.
Select a group.
Select Assign to Group.

Sometimes, you may not be able to manually assign applications:
I can't find applications to assign: Your group may be set to Automatic assignment or the review period may not have begun
An application is already checked and I can't re-assign it: Likely, this review has already been completed by another reviewer
Note: To re-assign completed reviews, your system administrator will need to go to the Reviews tab of the opportunity and change each review's status from Submitted to Drafted.