Post-acceptance questionnaires
A post-acceptance application is a questionnaire that collects information from applicants after they've accepted an award but before they've received an award.
Post-acceptance is ideal for gathering additional information for your donors (e.g., thank-you letter) or award compliance (e.g., final semester transcript).
To add a post-acceptance questionnaire to an opportunity:
On the opportunity record, go to the Details tab.
Under Opportunity-Specific Information, select Post-Acceptance Questions.
Under Dates, adjust the Post-Acceptance End Date (if needed).
Select Update Opportunity.
To add post-acceptance questions, go to Post-Acceptance, Questions. For more guidance on questions, see Add questions.
If you've set up post-acceptance on an opportunity, applicants will be directed to fill out a questionnaire after they've accepted an award (or the application moves into a category that encumbers funds).
You can track an applicant's progress on an opportunity by going to Post-Acceptance, Applications and reviewing the default application categories:
Pending: An award offer has been extended, but the applicant has not yet Accepted or Declined the offer
Requested: An award offer has been Accepted, but the applicant has not yet completed the post-acceptance questionnaire
Drafted: The applicant has started responding to the post-acceptance questionnaire but has not yet completed it
Submitted: The post-acceptance questionnaire has been completed (and is waiting for review by an administrator)
Awarded: An administrator has determined the award can be made and that the monetary funds can be disbursed
Note: To view or edit your system's post-acceptance application categories, go to Site, Configurations, Application Categories.
To track post-acceptance applications across multiple opportunities, go to Opportunity, Portfolios, Post-Acceptance Applications.
For guidance on system grids, see Work with system grids.
To distribute awards to post-acceptance applicants (i.e., disburse funds):
On an opportunity record, go to Post-Acceptance, Applications.
Select one or more applications.
At the bottom of the grid, select Act on Selected, Categorize.
Choose a category that disburses funds (the system default is Awarded).
Update the award amount or Award Period (if needed).
Select Categorize.
Once their application moves into a category that disburses funds, applicants will receive a notification on their Applications page.
Tip: To distribute awards from multiple opportunities at the same time, go to Opportunity, Portfolios, Post-Acceptance Applications.