Send regret emails
A regret email informs applicants that they were not selected for any awards during the previous application cycle.
Send out regret emails as you prepare your system for a new application cycle.
Once manually triggered by a System Administrator, regret letters are sent to applicants who meet the following criteria:
No encumbered funds (no applications in encumbering categories like Offered or Accepted)
A submitted General Application
Logged in at least once since the beginning of the current cycle
Note: To make sure the right applicants receive regret emails, trigger them before archiving your opportunities.
Any System Administrator can customize the template of the system regret letter:
Go to Site, Communications, Regret Emails.
Customize the Subject and the Body of the email.
Add Cc and Bcc addresses as desired.
Choose a Deliver When option:
Immediately: Delivered as soon as you select Deliver Regret Emails
Upon Approval: Delivered once approved from Site, Communications, User Messages
Select Update Message Template.
Based on your Deliver When settings, you'll either see Deliver Regret Emails or Queue Regret Emails. Select this button to finalize your regret emails.