Manage special reviewing scenarios
Set up reviews for the general or conditional applications

Give you an overall impression of an applicant
Streamline reviewing for auto-match opportunities
Reduce total reviews
If you want to reduce overall reviews, use application reviews to replace certain opportunity reviews.
If you want a more thorough evaluation of applicants, combine application reviews with existing (and usually streamlined) opportunity reviews.

To set up your reviewers for success, you should make the following adjustments to your reviewer groups:
Choose review periods carefully: When setting up application reviews, make sure to:
Set review periods on its Details tab
Choose a review period when applicants aren't likely to make changes to their applications
Assign groups directly to applications: From a group's Opportunities tab, make sure you select your general or conditional application
Tip: Don't see the right application? Double check the group's Source on its Details tab.
Use qualifications to limit assignments: Since general and conditional groups have to deal with large numbers of applications, streamline reviews by:
Making sure Only Review Qualified Applications is selected on the group's Details tab
Choosing manual assignment or lower numbers of automatic assignment
Using qualifications to set minimum requirements
Using qualifications and multiple reviewer groups to reduce overall workload (e.g., breaking up reviews by college, last name, etc.)
Enable application scores on individual opportunities: To include application review scores on individual opportunities (and also factor into the overall Reviewer Score), go to individual opportunities and select Propogate General Application Scores and Propogate Conditional Application Scores.
Note: If you select these options, non-system admins and reviewer chairs will be also be able to see scores from the General or Conditional Application.
Set up multi-stage reviewing

You may have multiple rounds of applicant review, such as:
Round 1: Identify promising candidates (i.e., finalists)
Round 2: Make the final awarding decision

For an apply-to opportunity, you'd perform the following steps:
Create two review groups: In the names, be sure to specify which group reviews finalists
Create a custom category: As a system admin, create a custom category similar to the following:
Category Name: Finalist
Applicant Portal Name: Submitted
Award Effects: None
Visible To: Applicant, Reviewer
Reviewer Chair Assignable: Yes (if using reviewer chairs)
Perform the first phase of reviews: Make sure you or a reviewer chair put qualified applicants into your custom category
Manually assign applications to the second group: Using your custom category to sort applicants, assign pre-qualified applicants to individual reviewers
Tip: If you're setting up tiered reviewing for an auto-match opportunity, make sure your custom category is not visible to applicants.
Hide certain applications from reviewers

Even with qualifications, some applications might be inappropriately assigned to reviewers.
For example, you might know an applicant is withdrawing from school or is about to change their major.

Create a custom category: As a system admin, create a custom category similar to the following:
Category Name: Admin - Declined
Award Effects: None
Visible To: None
Move applications into your custom category: This action will prevent reviewers from seeing these applications