Publish fund snapshots
A fund snapshot is a record of a fund's financial performance over a given period of time.
Take and edit snapshots at regular intervals (quarterly, yearly, etc.) to provide curated pictures of fund performance for your donor contacts.

Often, you'll publish multiple snapshots at the same time—especially if you have a recurring import of your fund data.
To publish one or more snapshots:
Go to Stewardship, Funds.
In the Needs Snapshot column, change the filter to Yes.
Your system updates this field whenever you update your fund information (through import or manual data entry)
At the bottom of the grid, select Act on Selected, Snapshot.
Choose a date for your snapshot, then select Publish Snapshot.
You can also publish individual snapshots from the Details tab of any fund.
Note: Regardless of which date you select, snapshots always reflect the most current information in your system. The snapshot date determines which snapshots are included in a donor report, as well as what date your donor sees on the snapshot.

Occasionally, you'll want to edit snapshots.
For example, a certain donor may prefer fund balances displayed in whole numbers or you may want to change a donor-facing date from January 13 to December 31.
To edit snapshots:
Go to Stewardship, Funds.
In the grid, find your fund and select View.
Select the Snapshot tab, then select a snapshot to edit.
Select Edit Snapshot.
Change snapshot information as desired.
Select Update Fund Snapshot.
Note: From this screen, you can also remove published snapshots by selecting Delete Snapshot.