Transaction Info
From a transaction record, under Transaction info, you can view detailed information about the transaction.
The total amount of fees assessed for the transaction (includes processing and application fees).
The amount paid out to your bank via a disbursement. Typically, this is the gross amount less any processing fees.
The amount you pay for processing the transaction. This is also known as a transaction fee.
Whether the donor paid the processing fee.
The amount assessed by the application.
The account holder name entered for the transaction's credit card or bank account.
The date that Blackbaud Merchant Services processed the transaction.
Which Blackbaud application submitted the transaction for processing, such as MobilePay Terminal.
How Blackbaud Merchant Services received the transaction, such as card present, refund, or chargeback.
Where a card-present transaction was accepted, such as a Blackbaud MobilePay Terminal or Payment Terminal device.
The type of account used for the transaction, such as credit card or direct debit.
The last four digits of the credit card or bank account number processed for the transaction. For security, the other digits of the card number appear as asterisks.
The expiration date of the credit card processed for the transaction.
The processing result for the transaction. For more information, see Transaction Status.
The unique identifier assigned to the transaction by Blackbaud Merchant Services.
The reference number assigned to the transaction by the payment processor.
The processing result returned by the payment gateway for the transaction, such as whether it was successful. If the transaction is declined, it provides the reason for the decline. For a list of decline or rejection reasons and recommendations to resolve, visit Gateway Declines.
The code returned by the payment gateway that indicates whether the transaction is declined or approved. For a list of decline or rejection codes, visit Gateway Declines.