Employee caps
As part of the budgeting process, admins can include employee caps. An employee cap is a matching fund limit provided to each employee within a group and is available in multiple currencies.
Using this feature, admins can:
Create new employee caps
Edit existing employee caps
Archive employee caps
Restore archived employee caps
To create or manage caps, navigate to CSRconnect Admin Portal, Budgeting, Employee Cap.
Note: Employee caps cannot be archived if they are attached to active incentive programs.
If a currency does not have a cap limit set, it will be unlimited; the cap limit will be the amount included in the associated budget. Employees can then choose to apply these funds to an incentive.
If you have separate cap limits for different employee types, each employee type (for example, active employees, retirees, and contract employees) will need to have a separate employee cap.
When admins create or edit incentive programs, they can use an employee cap to combine incentives together under one cap. To associate an incentive program with an employee cap, navigate to CSRconnect Admin Portal, Incentives, Programs, Edit, Budget and Cap Limit. The Employee Cap drop-down list on the incentive program page includes the caps listed on the Employee caps page.
We recommend that admins review caps at the end of the year and create new caps for the upcoming year; don't recycle caps. If any caps are attached to a program and the cap is met, the funds are no longer available.
Admins can filter active and archived caps in either alphabetical or reverse-alphabetical order by selecting the Name column label. They can also sort the order of active and archived employee caps based on dates by selecting the Created and Updated column labels. The Created and Updated columns default to displaying employee caps from newest to oldest dates.