When the proxy feature is enabled for employees, a user can request another specific user act as their proxy to complete actions on their behalf.
You must have the Can manage proxy feature permission enabled for your role. See Roles and permissions.
To use this feature, admins should:
Go to CSRconnect Admin Portal.
Select Community Settings .
Select Proxy .
For Disclaimer, replace the suggested text with a statement that reflects your preferred terms and conditions.
When an employee is invited to act as a proxy on another user's behalf, the Disclaimer message appears when an employee selects to Accept a proxy request.
They must then review and agree to any terms and conditions included in the customized Disclaimer before they can accept the responsibility of becoming a proxy.
We recommend you customize the Disclaimer information.
Warning: If the field for Disclaimer text is blank, employees who are invited to a proxy request must still confirm they have read and agreed to the “statement above” before they can continue, even if the statement is blank.
Select whether to enable the feature for
All employees
Select employees.
If you enable the feature for select employees instead of everyone, you'll then
use + Select employees to search for and choose individuals,
or use +Bulk upload to Download a template (csv file), complete the template in a spreadsheet application (such as Microsoft Excel), save the file, select Continue, and then Upload the file to import a list of select employees.
Select Save.
To select an employee to serve as proxy, a user should:
Go to My Account .
Select Proxy Settings .
Select Assign.
Choose which employee should be invited to serve as the user’s proxy.
(Optional) Then enter a reason for the proxy request.
Select Send Request . The employee who was chosen to become the proxy receives an email notification. If a Reason was provided, that text is included in the email.
When the proxy employee selects Accept in response to the request, the Disclaimer information appears.
The employee reviews the Disclaimer information. They should indicate whether they have read and agree. Then select Continue.
Check your email for a notification that another employee has requested you act as their proxy in the community.
Tip: A reason may be included in the email notification. If it isn't included, we recommend contacting the employee directly for any questions.
Follow the instructions and link in the email to access the invitation to become a proxy .
Select Accept. A disclaimer from your employer appears.
Review the terms and conditions explained in the company disclaimer. Then select Continue to become a proxy and access the corresponding functionality.