Generate Contracts
Before families can review and submit their contracts, (re)enrollment managers have three tasks that need to be fulfilled. First, a contract type need to be assigned to each candidate/student. This can be done for individual candidates/students or for multiple candidates/students at the same time. Once that's done, the contracts need to be generated at which point, they can then be published.
After you generate and publish the contracts, parents can access the contracts from a notification that appears at the top of their screens, or from Account > Files.
For Tuition Management only enabled schools, contracts with more than two Responsible Signers can't be generated. An alert indicates if you have a contract with too many signers so you can review and update them as needed. For more information on Tuition Management, please find the help documentation here. Non-Tuition Management schools do not have this restriction.
From Enrollment management, select Enrollment, then Contracts.
Next. select Manage contract forms then Assign Contract Types to be taken to a page where you can select user criteria.
Use the following fields to define users:
Role - Candidate, Student, or Incoming. This is a Required field.
Entering Year - This is also a required field.
Entering Grade
Current grade
School decision
School program
Boarding or Day
International - select this option if the user is considered International.
Apply for Financial Aid - select this if the user is applying for financial aid.
Community connection - Are they related to someone involved with the school or have a sibling?
Name - First or Last
Selecting Next takes you to the Select contract type criteria page. User options include School Year, and Contract type. Below that, you can select individual users in the list or in bulk. Select Assign and close to assign the contract type, Previous to go back to the last screen, or Cancel to exit the screen without saving.
Tip: Admissions managers can use this method to not only assign contract types but also generate them at the same time.
Tip: Don't see the year you need? A platform manager must publish the Years & Terms.
From Enrollment management, use the People Finder to access the candidate's profile.
Select Contracts.
Select Add New.
Select the appropriate contract type.
Select the school year for which the contract should be generated. The selected contract type can only be assigned to each candidate/student one time for each
Tip: Don't see the year you need? A platform manager must publish the Years & Terms.
Enter additional information about the contract, including tuition, fee, and publication information.
Select Save.
From Enrollment management, select Enrollment , Contracts and then Manage contract forms.
Use the filter options to search for the candidate/student, select View, and then select Edit .
From Contracts, select Add New.
Select the appropriate contract type.
Select the school year for which the contract should be generated. The selected contract type can only be assigned to each candidate/student one time for each
Tip: Don't see the year you need? A platform manager must publish the Years & Terms.
Select Save.
From Enrollment management, select Enrollment and then Contracts.
Under Manage contract forms, select Edit next to the appropriate contract.
Select Generate Contracts at the bottom of the screen.
Select Generate.
Note: (Re)enrollment managers can generate a contract as often as necessary; families who have already viewed or submitted their contracts will not be affected.