Assignment Details
Once students have submitted their assignments, you can start adding grades and comments through the Assignment details page.
Tip: For information on entering grades via the gradebook, see Working with Gradebook
To access Assignment details
In Faculty:
Select My Day, then Assignment Center.
Select Classes, choose a class, then select the Assignments tab.
Select an assignment title to open Assignment details.
A class roster displays on the left along with any previously saved grades for the assignment. Select a student to evaluate their assignment. To return to your assignments, select Assignments in the header.

At the top of the Assignment details page, you can select See details to expand the header and display pertinent information about the assignment. Details include:
Class: the name of the class.
Assignment type: customer generated assignment type.
Formative: this will appear if the assignment has been marked as Formative.
Note: Formative assignments are only available for schools using Competency based education.
Added to cumulative: indicates Add to cumulative is selected in the assignment settings.
Extra credit: this will display if Extra credit is selected for the assignment.
See description: View the description of the assignment.
Number of content-area skills for the assignment(Mastery and Hybrid assignments only)
Number of transferable skills for the assignment(Mastery and Hybrid assignments only)
Average grade: displays the average grade for the assignment.
Max points: the max points assigned to the assignment.
Factor: the factor assigned to the assignment.
Assigned: the assigned date for the assignment.
Due: the due date for the assignment.
Published: Current publish status for the assignment; if published on the Assigned date, that date will display here.

When you select a student from the available list, the student header will provide you with additional information. If a student was absent when the assignment was assigned, there will be an Absent on assigned date link which can be used to view the student's attendance information. If the student has a learning profile, select Student has learning profile(s) to view the student's learning profile. Finally, the enrollment type for the student will appear here along with Dropped if the student has dropped the course.
Tip: Select More, then See key to view the possible Indicator icons that may display for a student.
You can also select the info icon next to the student's name to view the following:
Student email
Student's Advisor(s) and email(s)
Go to student profile: Opens the student's contact card and profile.
Find me now: Displays the student's schedule for the day and highlights their current class.

When you are ready to enter grades, use the available Points field and select assignment indicators, such as Exempt or Missing, when applicable. You can use the Collected status to track student work that has been received. After you commit the Collected indicator for a student's assignment, the collected icon displays next to the student in the list on the left and the student will see their assignment status update to Complete.
Tip: If an assignment has the Missing or Incomplete indicator, you can set your assignment Preferences to automatically remove those indicators when you commit a grade. For more information, see Assignment Center
Note: You will receive an error if you enter an invalid grade for a student. You can only enter letter grades if your school is using a Letter grade scale for Gradebook.

If you enable In-system submissions for an assignment, students can upload files or enter text that they then submit for their assignment. You can view submitted files and text under Submitted files and Submitted text, respectively. You can also download and annotate submitted files as needed.
Warning: Annotations added to uploaded files are immediately committed and visible to the student.
You may allow students to submit an assignment only once or you can allow them to resubmit up until the assignment due date and time. If a student submits their assignment after the due date and time, an orange "Submitted late" icon displays next to their name on the assignment evaluation page.
If a student is in the process of resubmitting their assignment, meaning that since their last submission they've uploaded a new file, deleted a file, or modified the Text field on the assignment, the student's previously uploaded files and text will be unavailable and a message indicates that the student is resubmitting the assignment. You can access the newly uploaded files and text once the student selects Resubmit assignment.
Allow resubmit
If you only allow an assignment to be submitted once, or if a student submitted their assignment and needs to submit it again after the due date, you can select Allow resubmit to give the student another opportunity to submit the assignment. The student will still have access to their previously uploaded files and text, but you will no longer see them on the assignment evaluation page.
Google Drive
If a student submits their assignment via their Google drive, their file submissions will be denoted with Google Drive Submission beside the submission time. When you open the file, it will open in another browser tab.
Download all files
In the Assignment details, select More, then Download all files to download all files students in the class have submitted for the assignment.

Warning: Once you begin grading an assignment with a rubric, the rubric cannot be removed from the assignment or edited.
You can evaluate an assignment with a rubric by selecting Evaluate with rubric to view the skills along with the proficiency levels for each skill and the points or points range associated with each level. After you review the student's submitted work, you can select a proficiency level for each skill and provide a comment if needed. In addition, if you are using a point-range rubric, you are able to enter possible points for each skill in the available text boxes. As you select proficiency levels or add points for each skill, the Points total at the top will update to the new point total. When you select a skill name, you can view a modal that allows you to view the descriptions for each proficiency level. You can then select the applicable proficiency level for the skill and provide a comment for the skill if needed.
In addition, you can use the pencil icon next to the Total points to adjust points for the assignment if needed. You can:
Add to total: Add additional points to the overall score of the assignment. Use the available text box to assign additional points.
Remove from total: Remove points from the total score of the assignment. Use the available text box to remove points.
Mark score as zero: This will remove any present scores and the total points will be zero.
You can view the total points for the assignment and what the adjusted points will be once you select Apply.
Note: When you commit your evaluations for assignments with rubrics, you do not need to have the entire rubric filled out. Any comments or scores that are available will be committed to your Gradebook for the student and the rest will appear ungraded and treated as a zero.

You can easily evaluate Mastery only and hybrid Mastery and total score assignments from the Assignment details page. Once you have selected your assignment, you will see the associated skills under Evaluation. After reviewing the student's work, you can use the available dropdown menus to select the appropriate skill ratings and use Add comment to add comments if needed.
Note: If your assignment is evaluated with the hybrid Mastery and total score method, you will be able to add points for the assignment in the available Points text box.

When you evaluate a graded discussion, you can opt to look at the Full discussion or an individual student's responses to the discussion.
When you are viewing the Full discussion, you can provide answers to individual student responses as well as provide your own response to the prompt using Respond to prompt. If you need to hide or delete a response for any reason, select the pencil icon for the student and then select Hide response or Delete response as needed.
Note: Hide response will hide the response from students. You will still be able to see it. If you hide a response with follow-up responses, the follow-up responses will also be hidden.
To provide a grade and/or comment for a student's response, you need to select their name from the roster. Once selected, you can see:
The student's original response with any replies.
Any replies they have made on posts from other students.
You can use Add response to add your response to the student's post. Use Add comment to add a comment and enter in a points total in the available Points text box.
For more information, see Graded Discussions.

With the exception of essay questions, assessment questions are graded automatically.

Warning: The LTI tool cannot be launched by a user while impersonating a teacher. You must be logged in as the classroom teacher in order to launch the LTI.
When you use LTI with an Assignment, you can launch your LTI from the Assignment details page through the available Launch link for the LTI. When you launch your LTI tool for the assignment, the content for the assignment is shared from Blackbaud with the learning tool. If Gradepass is available for the LTI, the grades for the assignment are passed back to Blackbaud upon page refresh.
Warning: Grades passed back from an LTI are automatically committed.
If you are using Turnitin as an LTI tool for your assignment, you will be able to see the following information in the Turnitin tile on the Assignment details page:
Max grade
Start date
Due date
Feedback release date (will be the same as the due date)

Under Assignment feedback, you can select Add feedback to add comments or upload a file attachment as feedback. Enter your comment into the available text box and then select Save. The comment will appear along with the date and time it was added. You can edit and delete this comment at any time, but it is not visible to the student until you select Commit evaluations.
To delete a committed comment, you must delete the comment, then commit the deletion.

You can use Bulk actions to evaluate assignments for multiple students at the same time. Once you select Bulk actions, you will need to select Add bulk evaluation to enter in a Grade or select one of the available assignment statuses. You can also use Add bulk comment to add a comment for these students.
For example, if you are adding a late assignment for students who missed your class due to an Athletic event, you may add that in your bulk comment for these students. After adding your evaluation and comment, you can use the list of students to apply the evaluation to selected students. You can also use Select All, to add the evaluation to all students in your class. Any existing grades or comments will be overwritten and updated with any new values added through bulk actions.
Warning: You cannot bulk add grades for assignments with rubrics or rubric skills.

You can have pending grades and comments for students which can be committed to your Gradebook using Commit evaluations. You can see which students have grades to commit by selecting them from the roster list or by the exclamation mark indicator by their name. There are two ways you can commit grades to your Gradebook.
Note: You can cancel uncommitted changes for an assignment at any time by selecting Cancel then confirming that you would like to cancel the changes you've made.
Commit evaluations for all students
After adding grades and comments for all students, you can commit all your evaluations at once. You can see which evaluations will be committed by looking at your roster list. Any student with uncommitted evaluations will have an exclamation mark next to their name. At the top, select Commit evaluations. Your grades and comments will immediately be committed to your Gradebook. This is the recommended method for committing grades and comments. With a single click, you've committed all your uncommitted changes to your Gradebook.
Individually commit evaluations
Once grades and comments have been added for a student, you will see Commit evaluation at the bottom of the page along with the information you have updated for the student. You can select Commit evaluation at the bottom of the page to commit this student's evaluation without committing evaluations for all students. You can also delete an uncommitted evaluation from here by selecting Cancel.

You can view the grade change history for a student for a specific assignment by selecting See change history in the Evaluation section when grading a student's assignment. Changes will be listed with the most recent changes first. Columns include:
Changed item: the category of the item being changed.
Changed from: the original grading designation.
Changed to: the new grading designation.
Changed by: the user that made the change.
Changed time: when the change was made.
Note: The format for Changed time is DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM AM/PM
The following are changes that would be included in the change history along with their category. If multiple changes are made at once, each change will have their own row in the change history:
Change | Change category |
Total points | Score |
Skills rating | Name of skill |
Unchecked box becomes checked | [Name of indicator] status |
Checked box becomes unchecked | [Name of indicator] status |
Number of days late | [Name of indicator] status |
Rubric | Rubric [Name of skill] rating |
Assignment comment | Comment |
Skill comment | [Name of skill] comment |
Rubric comment | Rubric [Name of skill] Comment |