Get Started with Medical
Before your school can track medical information, you'll need to set up a few things.

A platform manager should create a user for the school nurse, or employ an existing user and assign the "nurse" employee role.

The nurse needs access to the schedule in order to use Find Me Now to locate students from the Nurse's Office. A schedule manager can enter access dates to all Scheduling Setup

The nurse uses the Nurse’s Office to quickly manage medical information for students. As the nurse, you’ll need to set up your virtual office.
From the Nurse’s Office, select Medical Settings.
If you have multiple security roles, access the Nurse’s Office from My Day. If your school configured another Blackbaud Education Management product as the default user view, My Day may not be visible when the nurse initially logs in. To find it, switch to Faculty and then choose My Day and Nurse's Office.
To add immunization requirements for admissions, click + Add Requirement
Enter the immunization
Select Active
Indicate if the immunization is Required or not.
Click Save & Close.
In a similar manner, add:
Athletic clearance requirements.
You will also indicate if the requirement is for each season or per year.
History categories.
Note: Currently, when you associate medicine with a student, the dosage and other details are shared for all of that student's allergies and conditions. For example, a student might take 2 tablets of regular strength Tylenol (Acetaminophen 325mg) every 4-6 hours for headaches. If the student also takes regular strength Tylenol for muscular aches, then the dosage will also be 2 tablets, every 4-6 hours. If you change the dosage for one condition or allergy for the student, the other instances of the medication for that student are also updated. Other students, however, can still have different dosages of the medication.
Note types.
Reasons for visits.
Each reason for visit must be associated with a Visit type.Visit types are hard coded and cannot be edited.
Visit outcomes.
Next, you can update student records to include these types medical information. Refer to Student Medical Information (For Faculty).
If your school already stores medical information electronically, you can upload it in bulk to reduce data entry. Refer to Import Student Medical Data in Bulk.

If your school already stores medical information electronically, you can upload it in bulk to reduce data entry. Refer to Import Student Medical Data in Bulk.

By default, the medical task is disabled for parents. However, a platform manager can enable it, if your school wants parents to view or enter medical information online.
Select Core.
Select Security.
Select Roles.
Repeat these steps for all parent (such as parents of incoming students) and grandparent roles:
Find the role in the list.
Select the ellipsis (...) at the start of the row.
Select Manage role.
Select Tasks.
Under Manage Tasks, locate “Student Medical Profile Security for Parents” and select Edit.
For Active, select the App option.
Select Save & Exit.
Ensure each user has a relationship with the student and has Parental Access. For details, refer to Manage Relationships.
We recommend you remind parents about your school’s existing health policies. Provide parents with a link to the Student Medical Information help for parents. You can also copy text and images into a parent newsletter or other electronic communications.
Online help as HTML (View only)
Note: When parents enter medical data, they select the security roles which they want to see the information. In addition to the default roles, any roles that are clones of the defaults appear as options under "Who needs to see this?"
Tip: Want to prompt parents to update student medical information? Use a Medical School Form.

Only authorized users (such as users with the school nurse role) can view a student’s specific medical information. Blackbaud's solution ensures that if another user attempts to impersonate an authorized user, sensitive medical information will not appear the impersonator’s screen. However, it is still up to the nurse to keep his/her password secret and to respect the restrictions that parents specify regarding who can know about the student's medical information or who can administer medical treatment.
Because medical information must remain HIPAA or FERPA compliant, only authorized users can view a student’s specific medical information. If another user attempts to impersonate an authorized user, sensitive information will not appear on the impersonator’s screen. Our software can't be "certified" as "HIPAA complaint," but it does provide to tools to help the school nurse manage HIPAA compliance.
Please review the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which include details about how your school should handle medical information/patient privacy and educational records. Most schools are only required to comply with HIPAA if the school charges for medical treatment. If you don't charge for treatment, but you still have medical data about students, you may not be required to comply with HIPAA.