Page Widgets
There are 16 available widgets for you to add to your pages and each one is listed below along with what they're used for. Further customization settings for each widget can also be found under the gear like icon within the widget once on the page as well.

Any changes to athletic events such as cancellations or reschedules will display in this widget. The data shown here is pulled directly from Extracurricular, so ensure the scheduled information already exists with Athletic event management.
The settings for Athletic Alerts features options to include the practice schedule and the length of time that the alerts are pulled from, up to 14 days.

With this widget, the detail page for a specific department can be displayed on the website. Alternatively, if no department is selected, the default option will appear automatically.
Settings for this widget include the ability to customize which school levels are included and the option to select a created detail page.

The Directory widget enables you to show the
For directories within you See also School directories.

Quite simply, this widget is for you to enter embed code which will then display on the page. The code can be entered from the widget settings once it has been added to the page.

This widget will display header text on the page. The text can be entered from the widget settings once it has been added to the page.

The iFrame widget lets you add a URL and display height which will then appear on the page.

Essentially an image display widget, you can select a pre-existing logo from the generated list which is pulled from Logos and seals . Additional settings can be updated to open the logo in a new window, add alternate text, and a URL.

This widget can display media from Photo, Audio, and Video categories. If the content already exists from Core or School website, Content , Media, (Audio/Photo/Video) it will be available for use in this widget. Once selected, it will appear on the website.

Similar to the Header widget, this only displays the current Page title.

This widget can be configured to display three feed types: RSS, iCal, and Podcast. Based on the selection, all previously added feeds will display on the page as a link, which the end user can then select to subscribe to.

Another Athletic specific widget, this one displays games that have recently taken place. You can further customize this widget by restricting the games that appear between a certain time frame or games that have scores.

This widget is a search box that users can use to find any public content from your website.

This is a Detail Page specific widget that can be added to the page. Selecting the settings option displays toggles to enable icons for social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. When a user selects the icon on the page, they'll have the option to post the content to their social media page.

If your school uses a online marketplace, this widget can display your products on the page. The widget has a few customizable options which include the number of products to show per page and which categories should appear.
Keep in mind that this widget will display text on your page even if your school does not have a store set up. It is highly recommended to not use it if this if your school does not have a store.

The Team List will display all active athletic teams at your school, letting the end user select the one they want to pull up the main team page. The list can be narrowed down through the widget settings which let you determine which school levels, team gender, and seasons should be displayed.

Similar to the Team List widget, Team Picker instead lets the end user select from a list of teams and the specific school year. What appears in the field can be limited from the widget options that include schools levels, team gender, and seasons. You can also group the results by alphabetical, season, or gender.

Essentially an Athletic Schedule, this widget displays a specific athletic team schedule. The content that appears here comes from Extracurricular directly. You can also choose the number of visible days and whether or not to include practice schedules and transportation information as well.
Navigation Widgets
We also have five navigation based widgets that can be used to improve how visitors get around your site.

Adding this widget to a page creates a series of links showing the path the viewer has gone to get to their current page. Selecting a link in the breadcrumb takes the user back to that page.

A mega menu is a dropÂdown menu that displays content in addition to subÂnavigation.

A basic version of the Mega Menu.

Provides a direct link to the sitemap that expands when selected. This is a good option for those who want to keep a page relatively clean and less cluttered.

Displays each page on the site which can be expanded to show any subtopics on that page. Selecting a topic takes the user directly to that page.

A vital widget for accessibility, adding this widget to a Master Layout above the Page Content widget enables keyboard-only and screen reader users to bypass the navigation and repeated elements in the header. Alternatively, this widget can be added to a regular page before primary content as well.
Once in place, users will see a Skip to content link in the header that takes users to where the widget was placed in the layout.
Form Widgets

Once added to the page, this widget can be used to add Custom Forms. For more on Custom forms, check here.

Once added to the page, this widget can be used to add Giving Forms. Check here for more on Giving forms.

Once added to the page, this widget can be used to add Inquiry Forms. For more on Inquiry forms, check here.