Grading - Teacher Perspective

There are two main areas where teachers enter grades:

Teachers can enter Report card grades for their students during grading periods A grading period is the link between the grades recorded in a course and the report card. There should be a unique grading period for each instance when report cards are issued. configured by a Grading manager. Grading can be accessed from an individual course section or from a teacher's My Day page. Every school's grading setup is different, so some of these steps may not apply to grading for your school.

Note: Grading takes place during time periods set by a school's grading manager. Please contact your school's Grading manager regarding issues involving Grade Plans.

Note: If your school has enabled the new faculty grade entry experience, you will have access to both the new and old grade entry experiences. The old grade entry experience is available on the Grading tab on class pages. The new grade entry experience is available on the New grading tab on class pages. For more information, see Activate New Features.