Deposit Records
The deposit record groups payments and calculates the total amount for you to deposit in your bank account. When you access the record, general information displays in the summary such as the deposit date, amount, and status.

To edit the deposit, select Edit. When editing, select Deposit ticket printed after you print a report of the deposit. Then select Deposit cleared after the deposit clears the bank account. For details about other deposit fields, see Add Deposits.
Note: To run the deposit report from Analysis, Reporting, select Add. Under Type, select Deposit Report. The report includes payment details and bank info, such as the number of receipts and routing number. When you run the report, select to update the print date and close the deposit. For more details, see Deposit report.

You can set a deposit's status to open or closed as needed. Depending on the status, Open deposit or Close deposit displays on the action bar. Once you close the deposit, you can't add new payments.

Depending on the post status for the deposit, Delete or Void deposit displays on the action bar. You can't view both at the same time.
To delete an open deposit before it's posted, select Delete. The deposit and its payments are removed and no longer display in lists.
To void a posted deposit, select Void deposit. The record disables and the total deposit amount adjusts to $0. Each payment for the deposit also voids and adjusts to $0.
Note: You can't delete or void a deposit that is cleared, closed, or reconciled. The deposit status must be open. You must also have security rights to delete or void them.
Tile tasks

Payments lists each payment for the deposit. It also displays the deposit amount (projected and actual) and the number of payments (projected and actual). To add a payment for the deposit, select Add. For more information, see Add Payments.
To view or delete a payment, select its row's menu . For more information about viewing a payment, see Payment Records.
Tip: You post the payments for a deposit, but not the deposit itself. After you include all payments for the deposit, go to General ledger, Post subledgers to post the payments. After all payments in the deposit post, the deposit's post status updates to Posted. For more information, see Post payments for a deposit.
Note: You must have security rights to delete a payment and edit its deposit. You can't delete a posted payment and you also can't delete it when the deposit is closed.

Details displays information about the deposit and default info for new payments you associate with the deposit.

Use Attachments to upload files or links to the payment. You can drag a file or browse to it. You can also link to an online file in a cloud storage account. For more information, see Attachments.

History displays all the changes made to the deposit, including date, what changed, and who changed it.