Grant Record
The grant record stores all the information about the grant you need to track and manage. When you access a grant record, general information about the grant appears at the top of the page. This includes the grant amount, type, associated transaction codes, grant federal status, and date range.
Additional information about the grant appears in the tiles on the record. You can open and close these tiles to view or hide the information. Each tile is described below.
From the Attachments tile on a grant record, you can now upload or link to files you want attached to the grant - such as images, PDFs, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and other files. For more information about media, see Attachments.
Tip: In the database view, you can attach files to grants from the Media tab. If a file saved on the Media tab doesn't open correctly under Attachments, verify it looks correct in the database view and then reattach it to the record in the web view.
The Activity tile on the grant record displays all project and transaction code activity associated with the grant. From this tile, you can view and sort grant activity by actual/encumbrance, fiscal year, and project. For more information, see Grant Activity.
The Budget tile displays a summary of budget activity information, including actual and budgeted amounts for a specified time period. The full summary amount displays, regardless of the account security in place. You can click the categories to view additional grant detail. When you view a category, all amounts that make up the summary number are displayed, however, the account ID and account description are masked.
The Favorable/(unfavorable) column displays the difference between actual and budget amounts.
Note: The Budget scenario filter shows only budgets that exist for the selected fiscal year on the selected project. If there are no budgets that exist for the selected fiscal year on the selected grant, the drop-down menu is disabled.
Contacts displays any contacts associated with this grant. To add contact information, select Add. For more information, see Contacts.
Custom fields displays any custom fields you've created for the grant. Use custom fields to add additional information to a record, and to further filter records when you search. For information on how to add custom fields, see Custom Fields.
History displays the date the grant was created and by whom. It also displays the date of any changes made to the grant and who made the changes. You can filter this information using the date drop-down selections.
Projects displays any projects funded by this grant. To add or edit, select Add or Edit, respectively. Search for, select, and remove projects as needed.
For more information about projects, see Projects.
Notes displays the notes you've created for the grant. To add new ones to the grant, select Add or Add note. For more information, see Notes.
Actions displays the actions you've created for the grant. To add new ones to the grant, select Add or Add action. For more information, see Actions.
To edit a grant, access and open the grant from the Grants list. From the grant record action bar, select Edit and make your changes. For example, you might want to change grant status, or the contact associated with the grant.
To delete a grant, access and open the grant from the Grants list. From the grant record action bar, select Delete grant. Keep in mind, you cannot delete grants that have transaction activity or are in use by other records. You must also have security rights to delete a grant.