Journal Entry

Under General ledger, Journal entry, you can search for and view existing batches and add new ones. With batches, you can group transactions according to source, date, time, and function.

The Journal entry batches page displays vital statistics of each batch, including the batch ID, description, status, batch type, who created the batch, date created, and date last changed. Review and sort the list of batches and determine how you want the info to display. Select Columns, choose details to include, and select Apply changes. If necessary, drag and drop the headers to reorder each column.

To quickly locate the batch you want, search or filter the list.

  • To view only batches that share specific criteria such as batch type or status, filter the list. Choose criteria of the batches to work with, then select Filters. For more information, see Journal Entry Filters.

  • To export the list of journal entries to an Excel .XLSX file, select Export. The export includes data such as batch ID, description, and type from each journal entry.

    Tip: To print the list of exported journal entries in Excel, select Print.

  • To search for a specific batch, enter the batch ID number (or partial) and select it in the results.

To view or edit a batch, from the context menu, select View or Edit. You can also copy a batch or create a reversing batch. Note that you can't delete a posted batch. You must create a reversing batch instead. For more information, see Batch Records.

To open a quick view of the batch without leaving the list, you can simply select the batch ID. This quick view of the record opens on the right side of the screen.

From this page, you can also approve multiple open or pending batches at once. For more information, see Approve Multiple Batches.

Tip: As you work with journal entry batches, you may find the free Journal Entry Batch Creator Excel add-in to be helpful. This add-in is an application built by Blackbaud and is available in Microsoft's Office Store. You can use this to enter transactions in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which you can then import and submit as a new journal entry batch to Financial Edge NXT. This integration enables flexible data entry (in bulk) and saves time, especially when entering similar data. For more information, see Journal Entry Batch Creator Excel Add-In.