Get Started With Treasury (Deposit Approvals Not Required)
This tutorial walks you through an introduction of Treasury, including the process of opening and approving deposits without requiring approval by another user. If you want to require approving deposits, review Get Started With Treasury (Deposit Approvals Required).
Note: This version of Treasury is currently in Limited Availability (LA) for some of our customers. Throughout LA, create a Customer Support case to capture your feedback to the Treasury LA team so we can monitor it as we prepare for general availability.
In this tutorial, you'll set permissions and settings for Treasury and learn how to add deposits and miscellaneous (misc) payments. You'll also navigate the entire feature area and learn how to:
Approve deposits, if you have rights.
Post deposits, if you have rights.
Note: Misc payments replace Cash Receipts in the database view, so you no longer have access to them. Also, Bank accounts, Credit card accounts, and Treasury reports are not impacted by these changes.
Review and set permissions
Control panel> Roles
Before you begin working in Treasury, review and set permissions for users who can add and edit deposits and misc payments. You also need to determine who can approve and post deposits.
From Roles, under Cash receipts roles, review your existing roles to make sure they're set correctly or select New to add a new one.
Note: The Cash receipts role will be renamed in a future release.
Tip: A role combines tasks and permissions to determine a user's level of access in Treasury. For more information, see Role-based Security.
The permissions for deposits and misc payments displays under Records permissions. Select Show permissions to view them.
Add and edit deposits — In the Deposits row, select the Edit checkbox.
Add and edit misc payments — In the Payments row, select the Add and Edit checkboxes.
Under Records tasks, select Deposit workflow. This automatically selects the Access checkbox for Approve deposits under Records permissions.
The post permission displays under Administrator tasks. In the Post row, select Access.
Establish settings
Treasury> Related links > Settings
To promote fast and data entry efficiency, establish settings for deposits and misc payments. For example, you can use a business rule to hide the "Do not post" option from the Post status field on a deposit. This ensures all users (with the Post permission) can post all deposits and their payments.
Also, review table entries and custom fields to make sure you're tracking all data that's unique and important to your organization. If necessary, add new table entries and custom fields or archive old ones.
Tip: You can select a setting to require approving deposits with misc payments. For more details, see Treasury Settings.
Warning: Table entries and custom fields moved to this area of Settings in Treasury. You no longer manage them from their previous locations in database view or web view.
Needs attention
Review Update [x] stale deposits under Needs attention. Stale deposits haven't changed in 10 or more days. You can view the record for each deposit and make any necessary changes. You can also decide whether to approve or delete them.
Add deposits
Treasury> New deposit
After saving a new deposit, you can do the following.
View the deposit's status. For more information, see Deposit statuses.
Add new misc payments.
Import payments (from a new or open deposit).
Add new attachments, such as a scan of the deposit slip. For more information, see Attachments.
View info that compares the deposit's projected and actual amount and count.
Approve them (if you have the Approve deposits permission).
Tip: To minimize time adding new misc payments for the deposit, enter payment defaults to appear for each new payment. You can change these settings for a payment before posting the deposit.
When accessing new or open deposits from Treasury, you can import and create new payment records using a .csv, .xls, or .xlsx file. If needed, download initial templates, then add payment details and upload.
Review each payment and double-check that categories and payment methods are accurate. Your import file must use valid categories which allow you to default distributions for new payments. Categories must use valid distribution sets to ensure a successful import. Also note that supported payment methods include Cash, Check, Credit card, EFT, Cashier's check, COD, or Other. Check payments must include check numbers or reference numbers.
After reviewing, select Import. If errors occur, you can view a list of import exceptions, correct any issues, and import again.
Add categories for misc payments
Treasury> Related links > Categories
Use categories to group the revenue sources for misc payments. For example, you host a car wash each spring and fall. To group their misc payments together, add a "Car Wash" category. Later, use lists to analyze your efforts and improve future car wash events.
After you save a category, return to the list of categories and add default distributions for misc payments. From the list of categories, select the one you need under Name. On the Distributions tab, select Add distribution.
Tip: Default distributions streamline the data entry process for new misc payments and improve consistency when adding distributions. For more details, see Misc Payment Category Distributions.
Add misc payments
Treasury> New misc payment
Use misc payments to track revenue you receive that isn't paid by contacts or clients (in Receivables). For example, add misc payments for income from a car wash, bake sale, or parking fees. For each of these, you're tracking the revenue source; not from an individual contact or organization.
When you add a misc payment, make sure to enter what the payment is for and select a category so you can group payments together and analyze them using lists to improve and increase future revenue totals and counts.
Tip: Adding a new misc payment is extremely quick if you entered misc payment defaults on the deposit and distribution defaults on the category.
Approve deposit
From the record for a deposit with an Open status, select Approve deposit. The deposit's status changes to Approved, and you can begin reviewing the next deposit for approval.
Note: To approve deposits, you must have Access rights to the Approve deposits permission.
Warning: You can't post payments to the general ledger for a deposit until the deposit status is Approved.
Post payments for a deposit
After the deposit is approved, you can post the payments for it.
Go to General ledger, Post subledgers.
Under Post subledgers, select Post.
Select the Cash receipts subledger.
For more information, see Post Subledgers.
Note: The "Cash receipts" subledger will be renamed in a future release.