Choose the Email Audience

The email audience is the group of constituents who should receive the email. When you choose the audience, you're choosing the groups for the campaign, which are made up of different list types. You can create lists by adding new groups or copying lists from another campaign.

Note: Create groups in Constituent360 before completing this procedure.

Email campaign audiences include:

  • Target List - constituent groups who should receive the email

  • Reviewer List - groups who should receive a draft of a message for review. Alternatively, you can specify the groups or individuals during message creation

  • Do Not Email List - groups of constituents who should not receive the email. They will be excluded from receiving the email even if they are in the Target List.

Tip: You can exclude groups or include new groups from the Target List and Do Not Email list for a specific message delivery. However, it's important to set the general audience at the campaign level, so you are usually mailing the same groups of people each time. This will help with your opt-ins and outs and also with analysis of your email reporting trends.

Rebuild Groups

For current constituent information, you can rebuild certain groups at send time. For example, groups built by a query can be set to rebuild when a message is sent. You can choose to rebuild the groups by default, and then change the option for each individual message when specifying delivery options.

Interest Groups

If you associated an Interest Category with the Email Campaign, the Opt-Out group is automatically included in the Do Not Email List. If you associated an interest with this campaign and enabled the option to add the constituents who opt-in to the Interest (that is, the Interest Opt-In group) directly to the Target List, these constituents will be automatically included in the Target List.

Note: No Duplicate Messages: Luminate matches Message ID with the Constituent ID to avoid sending the same message to the same constituent record multiple times. Therefore, no constituent record will ever receive more than one copy of the same email, even if the constituent is a member of multiple groups on the Target List or the message is sent multiple times.

Next, Create the Message.